The former Fiat chief Sergio Marchionne was for the clarity of his announcements. One of them was that a car manufacturer is only able to survive, if he would at least sell five million cars. This doctrine has, at least, makes for some farmers, up to today, generated validity: of volume Purchasing and economies of scale, you save a lot of money. However, mergers are not always successful, as the wayward “marriage in heaven” between Daimler and Chrysler.

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Ford is helping the cooperation with VW

©press-inform – the press office

Not all automakers will be more and more new partners to get willingly into bed. Daimler, according to the victim Liaison to Chrysler, more cautious on the road and is linked only with Renault’s gang. BMW is acting in the best Mia san Mia method, and smiles only to selected companies. Finally, the Bavarians have experienced with Rover your own Verkuppelungs-Waterloo. With Toyota it works with a relatively small flame very well and the Together, could you cope with such niche projects, such as the BMW Z4 and Toyota Supra. Hyundai engineering chief Albert Biermann, Ex-BMW Manager, denies striking vehemently that between the Korean group and the people in Munich, talks about a collaboration on Autonomous Drive. Wouldn’t be the first Time that the four-cylinder in Munich and Seoul, the wires glow. A few years ago, there were negotiations on cooperation in the engines.

the sheer size of a panacea for the tasks ahead? Or is in the “Fusionitis” the danger of immobility, not fast enough to respond to new challenges. Carlos Tavares has repeatedly stressed that in the case of all mergers, the flexibility of the company must be maintained. Automobiles conquest objectives just to generate sales volume, are not always goal-oriented. “With more partners, more coordination is necessary in any case, on the other hand, you can benefit from the Knowledge. Other angles give also new impulses”, says Porsche Board member for Production, Albrecht Reimold both sides of the coin.

However, the electric mobility is lust an important role in the Pairing. The transition to the Stromerei devouring absurd amounts of money. “We scrape the money together, where it goes,” said recently a Manager of a German premium manufacturer. If you look at that VW wants to put to 2024 the next 44 billion Euro in the new Form of locomotion, the proportions clearly. Especially since it will not be done with this cash injection. That’s why you are trying to do on all of the areas together to spend money for electric mobility, to dig. “Close collaborations and partnerships have become for the automotive industry a necessity, since many of the required investments cannot be funded – and often not alone mastered need to be,” says Wolfgang Bernhart, Partner at Roland Berger.

Due to the merger between VW and Ford, both manufacturers always less profitable segments, how to get limousines on life. Also in the case of commercial vehicles, economies of scale do well. But why should now go all too smoothly, what you have still failed less than a decade, is rather pathetic. Just think of the unsuccessful Suzuki adventure in India. At that time, the Patriarch Martin Winterkorn and Ferdinand Piëch committed the same error as before, the Daimler Manager at Chrysler. Both guide the partners with all the violence, wanted to impose contradict the “German Way”.

This one-dimensional strategy is even less today, than it was then. This should also be the headquarters of the OEMs for that matter. The decision-makers are today in a global environment, knowledge of the cultural sensitivities and operate smoother. However, through mergers, to a certain extent immobile and dependent on others. Whether the VW-Ford Tete a Tete is a success, it will show. The times of the mallet method are not yet entirely a thing of the past, shows the rigorous through the reign of Carlos Tavares at Opel. Also the the success of the bells be not rung, even if both sides have emphasized that PSA was a Takeover of the only correct way of bringing the Opel car builders out of the Malaise.

That alliances are fragile, and how quickly the different currents, drift apart, shows the example of Renault-Nissan. The now detached head of the group, Carlos Ghosn was the end of his term under pressure and already start in Japan first separatist movements, which could damage all of the partners of the Alliance difficult. So check before you commit yourself forever.

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