The modification of the form of assess in the public universities of Catalonia —so that students can combine the academic activity with the assistance of the demonstrations, pro-independence— supposed to return to the previous model of the Space Bologna, 2007. Return to a single exam memorístico in which the student plays everything on one card and learning limited to lectures if so requested by the students. Today there are three systems of learning in the classroom —continuous assessment via mixed and traditional— and with the years, is gaining ground the first, which requires more engagement with the subject matter of the professor and the student, but is also rewarded with a pass rate much higher. Catalonia had in 2017, the second-highest success rate, after Navarra, with 84% of the credit exceeded the total enrollment. The average of all the campus spaniards was 80%.
When a subject is set to the continuous assessment there is no final exam or the note account little for definitive assessment. The student has to attend class —incompatible with the student strike is in progress, hence the pressure to the cloister—, deliver papers in a term, to correct the errors that will check the teacher and acquire a minimum knowledge. In this process the college participates all the time, it evaluates, corrects his partner or reviewed in common. This system is the one that is more in line with what is stated in the European Higher Education area (EHEA). Unless Tarragona all the campus changes have been made, such as the deferral of compulsory activities or the extension of the deadline to apply for the final test in Barcelona, to adapt to the requests of the protesters.
“we Hope that this decision of the Catalan universities is not widespread, that is left in something of a few days, because it’s supposed to go back methodologically. It would be worrying,” said Juan Hernández Armenteros, professor of Applied Economics of the University of Jaén. It is based on the data each year manages in the report, The University in figures who prepares for the conference of rectors (CRUE). The rates of academic performance (credits approved on enrolled) have grown 23% in the Spanish public universities between the 2007/2008 and 2016/2017 coinciding with the implementation of the Bologna process which was completed in 2011.
A growth of approved is given in all branches of education and in all campus, also the catalans. In fact, the Pompeu Fabra university, who resisted until today to put in place the single assessment despite the court’s independence of its rector, has one of the rates of academic success higher in the Spanish system. The Bologna system suggests that, in addition to the lectures, there are tutorials specific and other modalities of teaching more practical and individualized, such as workshops, lab sessions or seminars.
Live | Last time in Catalonia What universities have changed their way of evaluating the protests of the ‘procés’? 800 university professors denounce the lack of neutrality of the rectors before the judgment of ‘procés’
The track joint is not as demanding for the college. It is more flexible. Just attend half of the lessons, you have to make a group work and the rest of the activities are voluntary. In the final note takes into account the final test and the activities. And the third model is the test traditional. The regulation of academic planning at many universities contemplate this unique convocation —the student has to apply— that you want to join the strikers. Tend to opt for this model students that do not attend class or who have not made the required activities of the via mixed.
“The change of the methodology of the academic is the only indicator that explains the rise in the academic performance of Bologna,” recalls Hernández Armenteros. “Because he has not grown the number of women enrolled —they approve more credit— or the scholarship —that you would strive to keep economic aid—or the age of entrance in the University or more materials in the classroom”, she continues. Professor of Jaén explains that he “surprised” the big raise first performance, and now remains stable and even rises a few tenths. You’ll see in the next University, in figures that will be presented in a few weeks.
Antonio Fraile, professor of Education at the University of Valladolid, believes that de facto does not apply in Spain, the continuous evaluation that he so defends. 10 years ago developed a survey and found that 80% of the teachers were analysed as before though, in the face of the gallery, said to be adapted to the new pedagogies. Her students felt otherwise. “The teachers hidden in order to not be valued worse,” he says.
For Friar the situation has not improved because the teachers do not go to training courses permanent and does not know how to apply the learning continuum. The professor praises the evolution of education. Ensures that the required attendance will not be pursued pass list, but establishing a covenant between the student and the teacher about how you are going to develop the course, the materials that are going to use… The university students are more motivated and receptive to learn day-to-day with an exchange of experiences without waiting for the review of end-of-course in the dumping of theories and concepts learned with no other utility than to pass the test.