Kisses and hugs for anyone who makes and 24 hours was isolated in a jail cell, accused of leading along with his brother, one of the largest organizations of drug traffickers in Spain. Francisco Badger, Chestnut, return to their neighbourhoods of The Atunara and The Zabal, in The Line of the design after you pay the 120,000 euro deposit that you have left in the street after spending a year in custody and two more escaped. Your presence and, above all, the praises which some have received unworthy to a neighbor who has contemplated the scene the morning of this Tuesday: “What have been treated as a hero and he is not”.

returning to the streets of The Line —now to be even to hide— is just the latest consequence of a judicial decision, from the evening of Monday, surprises, unworthy and stings to agents, prosecutors, and collective drug that you have been involved in the fight against the narco in the Campo de Gibraltar. Last Thursday, judge Juan Jose Romero, head of the Court of Instruction Number 2 of The Line, decreed the freedom of Badger under a bail of € 120,000. Or four days it took to gather the money that you paid by a foreign company. The other leader of the Nut and the brother of Isco, Antonio Badger asked for 200,000 euros that neither has come to pay, given that it complies with imprisonment for a term of two years and three months of a cause previous.

The output of one of the kings of the hashish —with an estimated fortune of at least € 20 million— is justified on a car of freedom of six pages that reviews, of lane, the case law on pretrial detention to ensure that “can’t forget the personal circumstances and family roots and social involved in the investigation” that would prevent his escape. Romero also asserts that “the circumstances that advocate the remoteness of the oral proceedings”, due to the complexity of a cause in which they also judge other 15 people, accused of crimes against public health and criminal organization. To both accusations, adds another of money laundering that invalidates a court in Algeciras.


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Isco Badger was eventually delivered in October of 2018, after that in June of that same year the end stopped his brother Antonio, when the agents caught while visiting one of his lovers. Francisco, 39 years of age, had for then two years fled from that, in 2016, the Operation Ronal showed that both were behind two caches of drugs with Morocco. Judge Rosemary obvious this seeks to capture and even had the time to record a video clip of reggaeton, but he recognizes that over a year ago, hence, his bail is 80,000 euros lower than that of his brother.

What is funny about this car is that it comes just ten months after issuing of the Section in Algeciras of the Provincial court of Cadiz, which denied the appeal of the defense of Isco Badger against their entry into the prison. Then, three judges themselves felt that “there was a risk of absconding for a two-year search-and-capture”; that it “could again flee,” and that the delay of the cause is due to, among other causes, to the time that remained fled, according to recognized the car that has now also had access to THE COUNTRY.

The Audience understood in addition that the severity of the penalties that will be judged brothers —sentenced with more than ten years of imprisonment— were “sufficient” justification for maintaining a provisional imprisonment, which may extend up to four years. That’s why now —and after that the court or notified of the exit of the prison— to the office of the Prosecutor-only holding to a new appeal before the Provincial court that could lead back to Badger to wait under the roof the arrival of a trial that assumes distant in time.

Agents and collective anti-drug lead as they can the release from prison of the Chestnut. “It is a measure which causes frustration between the forces and bodies of security and social alarm in the street”, statement outright, Francisco Mena, a spokesman of the coordinator Links. A civil guard of The Line gives the ratio between the frustration and the anger: “This is humiliating. Now they and their people are more grown up. In two days this rearranges the band.” With the question of whether Badger will meet or not the expectations, the only sure thing is that it is already far from the prison of Cordoba where he has been for the last year and which has returned, “visibly thinner,” as he says the neighbor who has seen it. The Chestnut pisa again your neighborhood, that that stopped being the drug that dominated all the clans of the city, and that now returns just when the siege police strangles and excites the who wants to live only at the expense of the hashish.


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