Selected to make a detour of Moscow in the midst of the epidemic the icon “Tenderness” of the blessed virgin Mary is the miraculous icon, praying in front of which St. Seraphim of Sarov. Just before her elder died 2 Jan 1833. He called her “a Joy of all joys”. It is known that St. Seraphim of Sarov was anointed the pilgrims with oil from the lampada, which burned before the icon. People believed that such anointing could heal even the terminally ill.
meanwhile, the prayer before the icon “Tenderness” in the Epiphany Cathedral on this day is not directly related to the coronavirus. Traditionally, this prayer is carried out every year on the 5th week of Great Lent, the feast of the Holy Theotokos. Before I read the Akathist to the icon – more on this in conversation with the correspondent of “MK” said the rector Bloch (Epiphany) Cathedral in Moscow father Alexander Ageikin
— This decision has no direct relationship to the epidemiological situation. A prayer about the icon “Tenderness” for the fifth week of Lent – a tradition, which has more than 30 years. Only this day the icon left Patriarchou residence where it is stored permanently, and brought to the Epiphany Cathedral. Well, this year, the Patriarch urged Muscovites to intensify prayers and to pray for those who are sick and to comfort those who live in fear of this epidemic. So take the icon to Moscow, and all believers will be able during these hours to read my prayer. It is important that the Patriarch said to pray at home.
According to father Alexander Ageikin, the icon “Tenderness” by itself is not celebrated as able to heal the sick. Its value is that it belonged to Saint Seraphim of Sarov – who, incidentally, also lived during the terrible cholera epidemic, seriously crippled Russia
— these days people are turning to many of a patron Saint of our country, and one of them is Saint Seraphim. Using the icon poured out special grace. Indeed, the day when we have to read the akathist before the icon, coincided with the peak of the disease in our city, and that means that we need to increase prayer, added Again.
this year the Patriarch will read a prayer for deliverance from malicious epidemic – coronavirus infection. Parishioners at the service will not appear – it is recommended to comply with the quarantine and to refuse from the visit to the temples.
In 1991, the icon was transferred to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, who put an icon in the Patriarchal Church of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God the Patriarch’s working residence, Chisty side street.
— in General I’m against talking about “specialization” of icons, said in conversation with the correspondent “MK” father Andrey Kuraev. – However, I think it will still be interesting and spectacular, scheduled after the shooting, many for the first time will be able to see the motorcade of Patriarch in all its glory.
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the Icon is painted on canvas stretched on a cypress Board with dimensions 67×49 cm, and waist is ednolichno the image of the virgin with bowed head, lowered eyes and crossed hands at the moment of pronouncing Her words to the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, budi mi verb of yours”.
Read also: “How to escape from the coronavirus with the help of God: the Church chose the prayer”