The PP still does not have representation of deputies in the Congress from the Basque country and remains only the seat of Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo in Catalonia, in particular for the constituency of Barcelona. That black hole is not solventaría now following the general elections of 10-N, according to the data of the macroencuesta of the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) published this Tuesday. The popular increase between 8 and 15 minutes, the data collected in the elections of the past April 28. His ascent would appreciate above all in Madrid and in many of the provinces where the 28-To have obtained a seat, which is now double. In constituencies large as Seville or Valencia, they could even go down on the seats today.

The CIS pre-election grants to the PP between 74 and 81 seats, but returns to portray the real problems of representation that the popular suffer especially in the Basque country and Catalonia. The goal that was set by the dome popular for these elections was to be as close as possible to the elevation of the 100 chairs in the Congress, still a distant goal according to this poll.


The CIS gives the PSOE up to 150 seats in the elections of the 10-N What say the latest polls? That low the PSOE and climbs Vox The PP accused the PSOE and Vox join in a pincer against Married

The PP is still not to get any minutes in the Basque Country, as occurred in the 28-To, or even in the province of Álava, which had traditionally been the fief where to seek better data and where Javier Maroto, in the past general elections, it was no act. Now is a senator for representation in autonomous government of Castilla and León. The number one current, María del Mar Blanco, sister of Miguel Angel Blanco, nor would take in these elections seat for that province.

The picture is not much better in Catalonia. The bet Paul Married for the keep as number one for Barcelona to Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, your current spokesman in the Congress, only serves to sustain that result in that province, but not to have representation or in Lleida or Tarragona or Girona, where the PP has always had a lot of problems.

The popular got a single seat in the last 28-To in up in 30 provinces. Now, according to the CIS survey, to reduce this situation and are left only with an act 18. In most of these cases, doubled its representation to two seats, as are the cases of Cantabria, La Rioja, Burgos, Avila, Palencia, Ciudad Real, Castellón, León, or, possibly, Valladolid. Are more eye-catching, however, the cases of constituencies larger, such as Seville, where the PP collected the 28-two minutes, and now could get down to one, or Valencia, where it then reached three, and now could reduce the representation to two.

In the case of Andalusia, the PP remains in the 11 seats already won in the general elections of the past April 28, but now with the difference that it takes almost a year to the Government of the Board and however don’t take advantage of this historic situation.

In Madrid, the list’s most iconic and where you are on top of the bet Paul is Married and is now the former minister Ana Pastor, PP, it was the 28-To seven seats, and now could increase to eight or nine, which would give access at this time to the Congress to members of the team of the leader as relevant as the deputy secretary-Antonio González Terol (eighth) and Carlos Aragonés (ninth) and former chief of Cabinet of José María Aznar in The Moncloa.

CIS-2019-28A 2016 Seat assigned Seat insurance (99% probability) Seat likely (75% to 99%) Seat in the game (25% to 75%) is Seats in the fork minimum Seats to the fork maximum Seat assigned Province (Seats)PSOEPPCSUPVOXOtrosTotal Seguros1236657422438Madrid (37)Barcelona (32)Valencia (15)Alicante (12)Seville (12)Malaga (11)Murcia (10)Cadiz (9)A Coruña (8)Bizkaia (8)Illes Balears (8)Palms (8)Asturias (7)Grenade (7)Pontevedra (7)Santa Cruz de Tenerife (7)Zaragoza (7)Almeria (6)Badajoz (6)Cordoba (6)Gipuzkoa (6)Girona (6)Tarragona, (6)Toledo (6)Cantabria (5)Castellón (5)Royal City (5)Huelva (5)Jaén (5)Navarre (5)Valladolid, spain (5)Albacete (4)Araba / Alava (4), Burgos (4)Caceres (4)La Rioja (4)Lion (4)Lleida (4)Lugo (4), Ourense (4)Salamanca (4)Basin (3), Guadalajara (3)Huesca, spain (3)Spain (3)Segovia (3)Teruel (3)Zamora (3)Avila (3)Soria (2)Ceuta (1)Melilla (1) Seat assigned Province (Seats)PSOEPPCSUPVOXOtrosTotal Seguros85137327125Madrid (36)Barcelona (31)Valencia (16)Alicante (12)Seville (12)Malaga (11)Murcia (10)Cadiz (9)A Coruña (8)Illes Balears (8)Palms (8)Asturias (8)Grenade (7), Pontevedra (7)Santa Cruz de Tenerife (7)Zaragoza (7)Almeria (6)Badajoz (6)Cordoba (6)Girona (6)Tarragona, (6)Toledo (6)Cantabria (5)Castellón (5)Royal City (5)Huelva (5)Jaén (5)Navarre (5)Valladolid (5)Albacete (4)Araba / Alava (4)Bizkaia (4), Burgos (4)Caceres (4)Gipuzkoa (4)Huesca, Spain (3)La Rioja (4)Lion (4), Lleida (4)Lugo (4), Ourense (4)Salamanca (4)Basin (3), Guadalajara (3)Palencia (3), Segovia (3)Teruel (3)Zamora (3)Avila (3)Soria (2)Ceuta (1)Melilla (1)


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