The electoral program of Citizens for the November 10, has been developed with a new responsible, Marina Bravo, because Toni Roldán, the former secretary of programs, resigned in June by the refusal of Albert Rivera to make a pact with the PSOE. The internal crisis in Cs had as a consequence that Mark in Fifth, former vice president of Coca – Cola and signing of Rivera to be his number two for Madrid, to assume the reins of the economic team in place of Roland and his mentor, Luis Garicano, who also disagreed with the veto to the PSOE. The result of these changes is perceived in the new program, which highlights one turn of the nut firmly against the Catalan independentists and an economic approach more liberal.

More firmly against independence.

unlike the PP, Citizens, itself expressly cited in its program the implementation of article 155 in Catalonia. The party undertakes to apply it so “immediate”. The program stresses that the “coup of the Catalan separatists of the fall of 2017 had a clear goal: to liquidate the Constitution and replace the current legislation by a legal framework alternative, bypassing democratic procedures and in breach of the fundamental rights of millions of catalans”. Cs circumvents the Supreme Court has convicted for sedition, the pro-independence leaders (a crime against the public order) and not by rebellion (a crime against the constitutional order) and which considers that the facts of October 2017 were an “artifice” of the separatists to press the Government of the State. Cs proposes to “update” the crimes of sedition and rebellion, although it does not say in what sense.

Less self-government in Catalonia.

The program includes new measures to act in Catalonia with regard to April, that go in the line to cut the Catalan selfgovernment. Cs wants to recover for the State the competences on the management of the political prison system of Catalonia, as well as putting the Mossos d’esquadra “under the Ministry of the Interior.” The text also includes a concept of a new project, the “advocacy of separatism”, that is not in the Spanish Criminal Code, and proposes to prohibit the subsidies to the associations that make this type of apology.

Without reform in Societies.

Under the baton of Mark of the Fifth, the defender of “don’t punish businesses”, the program has gone the proposed reform of corporation Tax “to close holes and remove traps that facilitate the tax engineering”, as said in the previous document. This is a reform so that businesses pay an effective form of societies that are closer to the nominal type, because the first is very less.


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