the State Duma passed a law amending the Code on administrative offences for violation of the quarantine.
If the period of the emergency or, subject to the occurrence of threat of distribution of dangerous diseases violated sanitary rules, citizens can be fined in the amount from 15 to 40 thousand rubles, and officials-from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. While legal entities are fined in the amount of up to half a million rubles.
the Penalties severely increased, if these actions caused harm to humans.
For the dissemination in the media and in the Internet under the guise of reliable reports knowingly false information shall entail imposing a fine on legal entities from 1.5 million rubles to 3 million rubles. But if the proliferation of fake led to the death of a person or a mass violation of public order, the fines can be increased up to 5 million rubles.