to take
To start with, that Sustainable fashion is more expensive than what large fashion chains have in the Display. And that is a good thing, because trying to guarantee that neither the children, sewing the clothes, nor the workers or the nature to be exploited for it. But in spite of a sustainably produced T do not need to Shirt you arm. It is always surprising how affordable fair trade fashion can be. We have looked at five online shops with fair produced fashion.
star-fashion check Prefer a top quality, instead of constantly re -: In this classic it’s worth it to invest Mareike fishing man
Almost nothing in our wardrobe is as universal as the T-Shirt. According to a study by Greenpeace of any adult (18-69 years of age) owns about 95 pieces of clothing. Most of the clothes are short – and long-sleeve tops – consequently, much of the wardrobe consists of T-Shirts. The study also found that the seal for the recognition of fair fashion which are helpful, but that clothes must, above all, cheap. Fair enough, but please cheap. A criterion, which is often not easy to fulfill.
A sustainably produced and traded Shirt is more expensive than conventional goods. A record price of 2.99 Euro per T-Shirt as is the case with the major fashion chains can not be offered by a sustainable Label easy often.
a 5 online shop sustainable where a T-Shirt is not expensive basic materials
The idea at the Foundation of the German online shop was to sell fair fashion, without visible marks, Lables or Prints requires.
criteria: basic materials has developed the fair store. In the meantime, the online shop is to sell 100 percent fair fashion. The Shop works with various certificates. Here you can read what the criteria is.
price per T-Shirt: on Sale there is already a Basic Shirt for around 6 Euro. Regular a fair Shirt for around 10 EUR is sold.
avocado gates
the German Concept Store that sells since 2010, green fashion of various brands. Meanwhile, avocado gates is Lifestyle Germany’s largest market place for Eco Fashion & Green.
criteria: For all clothing, the following applies: at Least one of the ten sustainability criteria has to be fulfilled. This includes raw materials from Organic farming, durable, Made in Germany, Resource-efficient, cradle to cradle, fair and socially responsible, and recycled and recyclable, CO2, include:-saving, pollutant-reduced production, vegan. What are the criteria that are met, are specified for each product.
price per T-Shirt: A Basic T-Shirt is available here for around 9 euros.
Green Shirts
The means of Production of the T-Shirts are traceable and environmentally friendly. The aim was “to establish the greenest fashion label the world has ever seen.”
criteria: No child labor, valid contracts of employment, no forced labour, right to trade unions, Safe and healthy working conditions, no discrimination of employees, Humane working hours, living wages.
price per T-Shirt: A Basic Shirt for around 20 Euro.
Thokk Thokk
“Striking, minimalist, energetic graphic design meets ecological and fairly produced clothing.” So Thokk Thokk self-describes its own fashion.
criteria: GOTS certification and other certifications. The organic cotton comes from India. And all Thokk Thokk-parts for the manufacture of a garment according to his own statement, sustainable, fair and vegan.
price per T-Shirt: Basic Shirts in the Sale at around 13 euros. Normal price is 17 Euro.
Armed Angels
Armed Angels is a dedicated sustainable Label from Cologne. A look in the Shop no more proves that the stereotype of the Eco-Touch is in the case of sustainable fashion, long since non-existent. Armed Angels makes salon competitive and fair fashion.
criteria: Armed Angels has a Mission. And to revolutionize each stage of the production of fashion and to make a piece better. To this end, each production will step open. Also certifications such as GOTS to play a significant role.
price per T-Shirt: A Basic Shirt costs around 25 Euro.
seal is the same seal
The Stiftung Warentest has recently taken on Textile symbols under the magnifying glass. It is striking that only because a seal from a large fashion chain – in this case, C&A does not mean that it must necessarily be bad. Were studied the seal “Global Organic Standard” (Gots), “‘#wear the change” (C&A), “Cotton made in Africa”, “H&M Conscious”and “Better Cotton Initiative”.
conclusion: Gots promises for environmental protection, minimum standards for working conditions, and 70 percent of the garment are made of organic fibers. In the Test, the T was Shirt good track. In addition, the seal covers all stages of production. Also the internal corporate seal C&A was able to convince because the company was knowledgable and actually was able to demonstrate where and how the particular T-Shirt was produced. A T-Shirt made of organic cotton, C&A-Labes #wear the change for 4.50 euros. However, the seal only applies to the fibre production. Not the work conditions.
Interview Cheap fair fashion? Marie nose man explains why sustainable fashion is finally Mainstream Rosche
The Swedish fashion giant operates like PR with sustainable materials and Production must be Of Maren. In the Test, the company was in relation to the Foundation of the test were rather closed with regard to the origin of the Goods with the in-house Label of “Concious”. Production methods and origin of the materials were not used. One indication of this is that it is precisely the large fashion beware of supposedly sustainable fashion chains should be considered.
Better advice for your with online shops and dealers of sustainability to your business model. Because here, too, a fair bargain you can find.
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