Egenhofen – On Monday night against 17.15, it came down to the County road FFB 1 between Egenhofen and Poigern to a serious traffic accident. An 18-year-old Maisacher was in his Car, a Mercedes in the direction of Fürstenfeldbruck on-the-go, as he lost on a road wet with rain, the control over his car and to the right of the road, as reported by the police. The vehicle turned on its axis and crashed into the driver’s side against a tree. The impact was so violent that the Car has been significantly deformed. The young man suffered severe injuries and died at the scene of an accident.
The first police investigation, according to else was involved, no one at the accident. Third-party negligence should be excluded, so the assessment of the police.
For the duration of the accident, the County road had to be closed for about two hours. The diversion was regulated by the alarmed fire Egenhofen, Odelzhausen and Pfaffenhofen fight back to the Glonn.
the first message from Egenhofen: 18-Year-old in accident-fatal accident
Egenhofen – The driver of a Mercedes with a Brucker mark was in the direction of Bruck on the go. He’s obviously in a curve to the right through heavy rain wet roadway lost control of his vehicle, went off the roadway and crashed into a tree. As the rescue arrived forces, the man was already dead.
The fire brigades from Egenhofen and Odelzhausen were busy with the salvage operation. In the case of a serious accident on Monday in Landsberied two motorists have been injured, some seriously.
A novice was a wave in the district of Rotenburg, near Bremen in an accident a ground to the fatal doom.