Günter Gorenzel, 1860-managing Director, and Wolfgang Moll, the Chairman of the TSV 1865 Dachau, were the native newspaper available for Interviews.
What is the significance of League this game is for you as a traditional club, and third?
Gorenzel: This game is very important to us, because it brings us the desired proximity to Fans, which is not in the “green forests” as possible. This is especially in the preparation and the countries in the pauses of the game, a very very important point for us. The Fans are our base.
What is the sporting value of this game is for you?
Gorenzel: We test all again in a few players, for example, Sascha Marinkovic, who previously could only train individually and we want to give game practice. The Bavaria League in 1865 Dachau has a very strong team, we take very seriously.
Mr. Moll, how did this game?
minor: We had another reason a meeting with the management of the TSV 1860 Munich, and quickly discovered that there should be a new edition of the game from six years ago. The role of my son as a player at the lions played no role.
What is the significance of this game for the TSV 1865 Dachau?
Moll: We have in the County and the city of Dachau, a very large fan base of the lion and are very glad to have this tradition of Association with us as our guest and to present him to the Fans.
Is the family football festival is a good addition to this Event?
minor: The game is the i-Tüpelfchen on this event. After the appointment, and the game were clear, we have organized this Festival before the game, our Team does here is Excellent.
source: Merkur.de