In Washington, the first public hearings for the democrat-targeted impeachment trial against Donald Trump have begun. All eyes are on the diplomats William Taylor and George Kent.

And Action: The US Congress has opened the first public hearing of the impeachment investigation against US President Donald Trump. Witnesses included the US Ambassador to the US, William Taylor, and the diplomat George Kent. William Taylor was the first to testify in front of cameras in Washington. He is considered the most important witness in Ukraine affair.

Each of his words was broadcast live from the crowded boardroom. According to Taylor’s accounts, Ukraine’s US policy has expired on two parallel channels: a regular and a “highly irregular” one. The latter was particularly focused on harming Trump’s political rival Joe Biden.

Both Taylor and George Kent emphasized the need for military assistance to Ukraine. Kent said he was generally convinced that the US should not ask other countries to participate in investigations or prosecutions directed against “those in power” opponents, “because such selective measures undermine the rule of law, regardless of country “.

The hearings will investigate whether Trump has put pressure on the government of Ukraine to gain advantages in the next election campaign.

Democratic chairman of the US House of Representatives’ Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, opened the session with forceful words: “The investigation into the Ukraine affair will not only decide on Trump’s future, but on the future of the US Presidency itself.” Behavior or misconduct the American people can expect from their commander-in-chief, “Schiff said.

Trump names investigation “witch hunt”

The first hours of the public hearing were broadcast live and uninterrupted, not only on the major online portals of the US media, but also on many television channels from the beginning.

American journalists spoke of a “historical” event.

Donald Trump obviously sees it differently. In the presence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the White House, he said he was “too busy” to watch the hearing. “It’s a witch hunt,” says Trump.

The Democrats are currently investigating whether there is enough evidence to justify Trump’s impeachment. In recent weeks, numerous witnesses have been interviewed behind closed doors, including diplomats such as Taylor, a lieutenant colonel and Ukrainian expert on the National Security Council, and foreign and defense officials.

The Republicans are trying to use the hearings to discredit the Democrats’ investigation. These are “absurd allegations” and a “carefully orchestrated” smear campaign by Democrats and the “corrupt media” to reverse the 2016 election results, said Congressman Devin Nunes. Addressing Taylor and Kent, he said they had been asked to “participate in a drama.”

Further public hearings planned

On Friday, the former US Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, testify publicly. In addition, there should be more public hearings announced Adam Schiff.

Never has a US President been removed from office. The Democrats have the necessary majority in the House of Representatives to open such a procedure. However, the Senate will decide on the outcome – and the Republicans, whose support Trump has been able to build on so far, will dominate there.


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