RTL confirms new series

RTL breaks new ground and dares to spin off “good times, bad times”. The figure Sunny Richter, embodied by Valentina Pahde (25) since 2015, will be the focus. Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht (30, "The Wild Things: The Legend Lives") also takes part in the show "Sunny – Who Are You Really?"

“In the search for itself, Sunny is entering a new world. Far from Berlin, her closest friends and family, she tries to find out who she is and what she really wants, ”Pahde summarizes in an interview with RTL the new series that will be shown on TVNOW.

Pahde can hardly wait for the start of filming: "I am really looking forward to an exciting time, lots of new stories and this production that is full of drama, emotions, sex and passion."

The series' producer and show runner is Manuel Meimberg (44), who has already won an Emmy for the "Braun family". He is also looking forward to the new show: “I'm really glad that TVNOW gives us the chance to go completely new ways with 'Sunny'. We leave the well-known world of GZSZ with our main character and dive into a genre mix of Guilty Pleasure, Mystery and Young Adult. ”



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