Two people were killed in an accident on Liberty street in Moscow
Witnesses told about the accident on Liberty street, which claimed the lives of two people, reports the Moscow 24 TV channel.
According to them, it all happened when they crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing.
“We heard a very heavy blow. And all the people who are crossing at the light, turned around and saw that the car stood on its side and hit the birch. When we saw the accident, began to call an ambulance. Here we are yet called, there were flying parts” – told them.
During the impact one person flew out of the car – he was hospitalized. Two more people got caught in the car. One of them is still removed from the machine.
Earlier it was reported that near the house on 79 Liberty street Infiniti lost control at speed and crashed into a tree. Two people were killed. Another was injured.
the Machine broke from the impact, the car turned into a pile of metal and parts scattered in different parties. The accident blocked three lanes of the four.
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