What Hitler did not like the traitor Vlasov

History 13/03/20 that Hitler did not like the traitor Vlasov

Between Andrei Vlasov and Adolf Hitler established a kind of relationship. They both disliked each other, however, the führer saw in the Russian General and man that threaten the well-being of the Reich.

Your Hitler better

General Vlasov has repeatedly stated that its deal with Nazi Germany was forced. To Hitler, he had no sympathy and future “free Russia” as its own it to communicate with him was not going to. Who knew Vlasov, a former Colonel in the tsarist army Constantine Kromiadi recalled that after moving to the German side of the Vlasov became silent and sullen. Causing a colleague to have a Frank conversation Kromiadi heard: “Your Hitler is better of another Hitler.”

Vlasov repeatedly admitted how much he hated Stalin, so and despised Hitler. The Fuhrer, in his opinion, was also “naive, arrogant jerk.” He, according to Vlasov, did not want to realize that in the present situation of the German victory over Russia possible only in Alliance with the Russians. “I wonder why Hitler rejects the most important and only ally that would help him defeat Stalin, Russian people, and seeks help from the dwarfs are powerless!”.

Also unclear for Vlasov was anti-Semitic doctrine of Hitler. This additional burden is incredibly difficult and without that unenviable position of the Third Reich, wrote Vlasov. You would think that for Hitler the extermination of the Jews more important than winning over the Soviet army. “Whom the Lord wants to punish, he takes the mind”, – concluded the General.

Foreign element

Russian General did not fit into the environment, which was after the treason. Almost two-meter giant, which shone even against the tall Germans, it was always a little stressed regardless. To ignore Vlasov’s anti-Semitic policies of the Reichand German officials in one of the documents said: “the Vlasov movement is not national socialist. It is important that there is no struggle with the Jews — the Jewish question as such does not recognized”. Dissatisfaction with the SS apparatchiks called Vlasov and failure to wear a German military uniform.

However, German top officials belonged to the obstinate General different. So, Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, in consequence of the failed attempt on Hitler, saw in him a “Russian de Gaulle led the free alternative of the government and the anti-Bolshevik liberation army”. Intolerance of anything alien Himmler called Vlasov “pig”, and Goebbels, by contrast, was impressed by him, describing him as “energetic commander” and “extremely intelligent” person.

the name Hitler Vlasov was just annoying, especially if the Fuhrer heard that Russian nationalists claim an Alliance with Germany. Hitler himself was always decided, with whom to be friends, and Vlasov, in his words, was “nothing.”

One of the things that have improved the degree of perturbation of the Nazis, and, first and foremost, Hitler was the performance of Vlasov in the headquarters of the 18th army Wehrmacht. Russian General said that he hoped in the near future to accept the Germans as guests and friends in Moscow, but not as invaders and oppressors. Fuhrer reported. “Just said so?” – Hitler’s outrage was not the limit.

the next day, 17 April 1943, General Wilhelm Keitel with the filing of the Hitler issued a decree according to which Andrey Vlasov was arrested and sent to Berlin under house arrest away from the front line.

Ordered to disperse

the Attitude of Hitler Vlasov was formed not only the behavior of the obstinate General, but the actions of Russian volunteer units, which appeared before the creation of the ROA. Such was the Russian people’s national army (RNNA), formed in September 1942.

at First, field Marshal von Kluge, who visited an inspection RNNA, expressed approval of what he saw. But when the orders of the commander of the front part of the RNNA was going to dress in German uniforms and dismember battalions, the leadership of the volunteer battalion refused to obey.

Immediately arrived from Smolensk SS division disarmed the RNNA. It was investigated, found nothing serious, but a wedge of contention between the German command and the Russian formations were hammered. Then – only worse.

on 14 September 1943 after analyzing painful defeat at Kursk, Himmler and Keitel reported to Hitler that the deep breakouts Soviet tank and mechanized units to the rear of the German armies at Kursk were made possible because of the betrayal of the Russian volunteer units.

From this point on Hitler and the German high command rethought its attitude to the practice of application of Russian volunteer units, now any of their actions came to be regarded with fondness.

after the end of the war in the American press were published the secret documents of the German General staff. In one of them it was about the Hitler’s order to “disperse” all the “Russian battalion”, the führer responded to the report of their officers allegedly discovered that among the “old Russian immigrants” is brewing a conspiracy.

against the will

But Vlasov Hitler was the most irritating factor. 8 June 1943 at the Berghof Yugoslav – personal residence of the Fuhrer held a meeting which decided the fate of “the Russian armies” in Germany and the Vlasov. The transcript of the meeting recorded many interesting things.

In particular, Keitel reported to Hitler about the distributed by the German authorities in the occupation zone in the USSR the posters to go on the side of Germany. In addition to promises of good treatment, employment and food there was offered to join the ranks of the Russian liberation army. This Hitler, not without irritation noticed that before you write the final paragraph ought to tell him.

Keitel had tried to argue that this item has played an important rols, but received a detailed and emotional review of the Fuhrer: “it is Necessary to distinguish between the right of propaganda which I sent to the other side, and that ultimately we do in fact. But on the background of the events they see not our national goal, in the long term they see their own goals. Every nation thinks of itself and of nothing else. All of these immigrants and advisers want to do is preparing your position for the future”. Hitler added that he doesn’t need the Russian army, and Russian workers to Germany.

the Commander of the 18th army, George Lindeman, tried to persuade Hitler that such compounds Germany need on a large scale, but at the same time need to pay attention to General Vlasov, who dominates his subordinates about freedom. This, according to Lindemann, makes it difficult to fight the guerrillas.

Now Hitler again falls on Vlasov. Back in April, sending him to Berlin under house arrest, the Fuhrer after less than two months later, declares that in the rear areas, this Russian General he don’t need. “This needs to end. I need it only on the front. I am convinced that the Russians, for their part, will engage in propaganda against us,” almost shouted Hitler.

However, on the front, Hitler Vlasov limit. The name of the traitor he needs only to promote and disintegration of the enemy behind the front line. “Poite, feed a Russian General at the expense of the Wehrmacht and the SS. But only on a gun shot do not let him to Russian. No troops he did not give, independent Russian groups not to create!”.

still, on 14 November 1944 in Prague, with the consent of the authorities of the Third Reich was established by the Committee for the liberation of the peoples of Russia, and later the Committee was formed Russian liberation army under General Vlasov. However, no role in the agonizing Nazi Germany she no longer played.

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