History 05/03/20 what Stalin accused Zhukov in 1946
During the war, Joseph Stalin 41 times announced personal thanks to Zhukov. Marshall took the Victory parade and signed the papers of surrender of Germany. However, immediately after the war, Zhukov fell into disgrace.
“Kiev will have to surrender”
on 11 July 1941 Stalin to Khrushchev in Kiev writes: “I Received reliable information that all of you, from the commander of the southwestern front to members of the Military Council, set up in panic and intend to make the withdrawal of troops on the left Bank of the Dnieper. I warn you that, if you take one step towards the withdrawal of troops on the left Bank of the Dnieper, will not be to the last to protect the district Level on the right Bank of the Dnieper, all will suffer retribution as cowards and deserters”.
Georgy Zhukov could not know about this telegram to Stalin (it was sent through the communications of the General staff), however, July 29 at a meeting with Stalin, he categorically stated that Kiev must leave.
In the book, historian and former GRU officer Vladimir Karpov “Marshal Zhukov, his colleagues and opponents in the years of war and peace” this episode is revealed in detail. Remembered him and Zhukov in his memoirs.
Stalin was angry and asked: “How could you think of to pass the enemy Kyiv?”, what bugs flared up: “If you think that I as the chief of the General staff is only capable of talking rubbish, then I have nothing to do here. I ask you to release me from the duties of chief of the General staff and sent to the front, where I will probably bring more benefit to the country.” Stalin and Zhukov were advised not to get excited, and added: “without Lenin cost, and without the more you do… Go to work, then we’ll ask and then call you.”
After the break, to sitting Malenkov and Mehlis added Lavrenty Beria. Nothing good is not foreshadowed. In the end, the chief of the General staff became Shaposhnikov and Zhukov was appointed commander of the Reserve front. In this position, he, however, did not stay long.
30 August – 8 September 1941, Zhukov conducted the first successful Leninskuy offensive and 11 September was appointed commander of the Leningrad front.
the Precipitate, however, remained. Confrontation Zhukov-Stalin was developed, but was “frozen” until the end of the war.
to Regard post-war disgrace Zhukov only in the context of rancour and suspicion of Stalin would be wrong. There were other “figures” who played their roles. First and foremost, this is General Abakumov, Georgy Malenkov and Lavrentiy Beria.
the First with admirable zeal was looking for the cards against Zhukov. In November 1945, Zhukov spent most of the military-historical conference; not yet had time to disperse the guests as to the location of the group of troops arrived Abakumov and went, without informing Zhukov, to carry out the arrests of the officers and searched. Zhukov kicked Abakumov home.
Upon arrival in Moscow, Abakumov, of course, send a report to Stalin. In March 1946, Marshal Zhukov called Stalin, and received orders to return to Moscow and to take the position of commander of land forces.
the plot thickens
may 31, 1946, was held the Supreme military Council, which against Zhukov were charged, which were based on the materials of interrogation of the Chief Marshal of aviation A. A. Novikov, who was arrested before the state security organs in the “case of aviators”. It is significant that the materials of the interrogation Novikov was named at the Military Council “letter”.
Marshal Alexander Novikov later recalled, as was produced this testimony. “Mentally bruised, driven to despair by the injustice of the accusations, sleepless nights… No sleep, constant light in the eye… Not only because of the interrogation and nervous tension, excessive fatigue, apathy, indifference to everything — alone — and therefore signed — cowardice, broken will. Driven to self-destruction. There were moments when I didn’t understand… I like delirious said that suchI wanted to kill so and so.”
Zhukov was accused of misappropriation of trophies and bloating their contribution to the Victory over Nazi Germany with a personal formulation of I. V. Stalin “appropriated the development of the operations had no relationship.”
9 June 1946, Marshal Zhukov dismissed the Commander of the land forces and sent virtually into exile to command the Odessa military district.
Odessa Perron arrived two lettered the car and platform car Zhukov. Marshal arrived with her daughter. Upon arrival, the beetles immediately went to report to the regional party Committee.
the Odessa period of life Marshall is remembered, above all, his struggle with the Odessa crime. The situation with her in post-war Odessa was critical, therefore, measures (primarily administrative) required extraordinary. Zhukov launched operation “Masquerade”. For catching criminals officers dressed in civilian clothes, used the technique of “catching on live bait”, on the site of cracking down on bandits.
beetles from Odessa wrote in a letter to Stalin: “At the meeting of the Supreme military Council, I gave You my word in the shortest possible time to eliminate my mistakes, and I have his word fulfilled. Work in the area and with great desire. Please, comrade Stalin, to give me full confidence I will justify Your trust”.
Not accustomed to do anything half-heartedly, Zhukov in Odessa acted too enthusiastically. He began to solve the housing issues for employees, introduced strict discipline in the assigned area.
of Course, complaints began, which eventually reached Moscow. Bulganin personally came to check in Odessa, but nothing major to disgraced Marshal again failed to find. It became apparent that Marshal Zhukov one “business of pilots” is not to blame.
In 1948, Zhukov brought the “trophy case”. He was charged with misappropriation of valuables and trophies, the export of German furniture, paintings and other property. This behavior has been called “non-partisan”. Zhucov wrote an explanatory note in the name of Zhdanov: “I plead very guilty that I hadn’t passed all this unnecessary stuff me somewhere in the warehouse, hoping that no one needs it”.
By the way, values Zhukov was really found a lot. At the time of confiscation was withdrawn 194 of the piece of furniture 44 carpet and tapestry 7 drawers with crystal, 55 Museum paintings, 4,000 meters of cloth, 323 fur pelts.
the Order of appointment of Zhukov as commander of the Ural military district was signed by the Minister of the armed forces Bulganin on 4 February 1948. According to the memoirs of Zhukov, he knew that under it “digs”, so acted in Sverdlovsk solely on the Charter, not allowing himself no luxury. Even sleep almost on a soldier’s cot.
Contrast in comparison with such a life seemed, with some admiration the beetles were locals. During the may day parade in 1948, a column of people for a long time came to a halt in the square at the podium, where stood the Marshal of the Victory. The people chanted: “bugs! Bugs!”.
the Regional authorities reserved attitude to such manifestations of love and didn’t know how to react. Still, the disgraced Marshal.
the beetles to the end of his life did not put the blame to Stalin the things that he had to endure. In October 1952 he was elected a candidate member of the Central Committee, became a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In the beginning of the arms race and the prospects of the cold war it was again necessary to Stalin.
the Editor of the publishing house “APN” Mirkin Anna Davidovna, who worked with Zhukov on the manuscript of his upcoming book, asked the Marshal:
— Georgy, how could it be that after everything you did, Stalin sent you to Odessa, and then to Sverdlovsk?
Zhukov said quietly:
— the Envy of my success. And Beria strongly this feeling fueled. Remembered and my ability to object to Stalin.
— And now you forgave Stalin so unfair you did?
— I just erased from my memory. He made some steps for reconciliation: I became a candidate member of the Central Committee, he sent me on a visit to Poland. I think that he wanted to appoint me as defense Minister, but did not, death was prevented.
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