Why Patriarch Tikhon Orthodox are not called to war with the Bolsheviks

History 01/03/20 Why Patriarch Tikhon Orthodox are not called to war with the Bolsheviks

the Soviet historical literature claimed in the minds of people persistent image of the Russian Orthodox Church (the official name in 1917-1943.) and of its first Chapter, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Tikhon, as a counter-revolutionary organizations, the former during the civil war the mouthpiece and inspiration of the anti-Soviet propaganda, and most of its Ministers – as participants in and supporters of the whites and other bitter enemies of the Soviet power.

however, many participants of the civil war “on the side” Patriarch Tikhon was painted as inconsistent and vacillating people, who at the decisive moment, refused to give the White guard his Patriarchal blessing and to encourage the Russian people to actively fight against the persecutors of the Orthodox faith of the Bolsheviks. What was in fact political and moral position of Patriarch Tikhon in the grave hour?

Accusatory message of the Patriarch

Patriarch Tikhon ascended the throne on November 21 (December 4), 1917. His first pastoral letters and appeals have been riddled with anxiety for the country because of the beginning of the civil war and the collapse of the statehood. The Patriarch did not differentiate between the Bolsheviks and other socialists, who ruled the country after the overthrow of the king. All of them, as said Tikhon before the prayer service 1 (14) January 1918, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, “rely on their own strength to want to make a name for himself, and not, as our pious ancestors, who did not own and the name of the Lord created the glory.” “The devastation and disadvantages, – said the Primate, because without God built the now Russian government. Unless we have heard from the lips of our rulers, the Holy name of the Lord in our many councils, parliaments, preparement?”

on January 19 (February 1), 1918 Tikhon sent a letter, where anathematized “workers of iniquity and persecutors of the faith and the Orthodox Church”. “Every day reaches us the news, – was said in it – about the terrible and brutal beatings of innocent… people… All of it is done… without any trial, and violation of every law and legitimacy”. Less than two weeks before that, the Bolsheviks in Petrograd dispersed the Constituent Assembly, shooting of a peaceful demonstration in support of it, and then killing in the hospitals of two of its deputies from the cadet party. But the message “workers of lawlessness” is not designated by party affiliation. However, his recipients were visible to everyone already.

8 (21) July, 1918, in a sermon in the Church of the Kazan icon of the mother of God in Moscow Patriarch Tikhon, according to an eyewitness, said the recent execution of Nicholas II (on the execution of the entire Royal family by the Bolsheviks then omitted): “… We must condemn this deed, otherwise the blood shot will fall on us… Our conscience to come to terms with it can not, and we need to speak out about it as Christians, as sons of the Church. Even for this, they call us counter-revolutionaries, albeit crammed into a jail, let him shoot”.

on the Eve of the first anniversary of the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, Patriarch Tikhon appealed to the Council of people’s Commissars with the accusatory word: “Seizing power and calling the people to trust you, which promises to give you and how he fulfilled these promises? Truly, you gave him a stone instead of bread and a snake instead of a fish… You have divided all the people into warring camps, and plunged it into unprecedented cruelty fratricide… Turn not to destruction but to the dispensation of the rule of law, let the people wanted and deserved a vacation from the internecine warfare”.

the Preaching of non-violence

But internecine strife – it oboudostoronne. And the opponents of the Bolsheviks was not quite clear from the “works of iniquity”. Condemning what is happening in such terms that Patriarch Tikhon could hardly, in good conscience, stand on one side in the civil war. He knew that in the beginning of 1918, many in the upper classes of Russian society dreamed of the speedy arrival of the Germans, which would have thrown the Bolsheviks. When in February 1918 the Germans really started the offensive, the Patriarch said in a message on this occasion: “long-Suffering sons of our Motherland are even ready to half-heartedly rush into the arms of her enemies… the Grief of the government, which brought the Russian people to such despair! But not here our salvation, not from the enemies must wait for deliverance…”.

Tikhon encouraged the congregation to nonviolent resistance. “The enemies of the Church, he wrote in the message of January 19, 1918 – seized power over her and her treasure by force of arms, but you resist them with force of your faith, your imperious popular cry, which will stop the madmen…”

in the Summer of 1919 the civil war was in full swing. Only that the red army defeated Kolchak, but from the South approaching white guard forces of Denikin. There is evidence that at this time (or earlier) to Tikhon arrived emissaries with a request to give a blessing to the White movement and to encourage the congregation to revolt against the godless regime. Tikhon refused. According to some accounts, he allegedly said, “I can’t give blessing to the civil war. And “red” and “white” – all the children of my Church, someone loyal, someone lost. I can only pray for reconciliation of the Russian people.”

And 8 (21) July, 1919, the Patriarch addressed the congregation with a message which said: “the blood Shed always cries out for new blood, and revenge – the new retribution… When many are suffering, resentment, and grief began to waft you with a thirst for vengeance, would be to push in your Orthodox Russia, the hands of the sword to bloody reprisals against anyone who would consider you their enemy – drop away so that the… never your hand not reached out to this sword”.

September 25 (October 8) in 1919, when Denikin’s army seemed triumphant March went to Moscow, Tikhon gave an address to the clergy and laity about the call for non-interference in the political struggle. He denies support Church of the white armies: “Indicate that when the change of power, the Church officials sometimes welcome the change ringing of bells, the solemn dispensation of divine services… But if it happens anywhere, it occurs or at the request of the new government, or at the request of the masses, and not on the initiative of the Ministers of the Church, which in its Sana’a should be above and outside any political interests.”

Communists and liberals – two sides of the same coin

At the crucial period of the civil war Patriarch Tikhon announced political neutrality of the Church. And the reason here not in fear of physical violence, which at that moment more would hurt Bolsheviks than helped them.

Closer to the truth those who believe that Patriarch Tikhon was seen in the White movement and leaders of the liberal principles which he, like most conservatives and monarchists, opinion, ruined Russia in February-March 1917. And from his point of view, white is fundamentally not much different from the red God and the king in their ideology, too, was not.

Yaroslav Butakov

© Russian Seven

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