Why the Panfilov division the German generals called

Another 06/03/20 Why the Panfilov division the German generals called “wild”

the Names of the leaders of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro and Che Guevara have become the embodiment of heroism and self-sacrifice for the happiness and prosperity of their own people. And here I would like to recall that the recognition of Fidel Castro, made in 1963, on the exploits of Che Guevara and it has inspired the combat experience of the Soviet officer who fought on the fronts of the great Patriotic war.

the Idol of revolutionaries

After the Cuban revolution of 1959, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara immediately gained worldwide fame. A few years later, when passions subsided a bit, Spanish journalists once asked Fidel Castro about what gave him and his comrades power during the revolutionary events in Cuba. In particular, the press was interested in, one of the heroes of the Second world war, the leaders of Cuba could call their idols. Reply Fidel Castro was not only unusual, but also surprisingly detailed. The leader of the Cuban revolution did not list the names of the generals during the Second world war, and told about the hero of the novel by Alexander Beck “Volokolamsk highway”. According to Fidel Castro, this work made on him and Che Guevara lasting impression. And especially impressed by their described by Beck feat of Hero of the Soviet Union the Kazakh Bauyrjan Momyshuly, which became for them in the future, a real role model. The intrigue was the fact that a participant of the Battle for Moscow, military writer Bauyrzhan Momyshuly in the 1960-ies was still alive and had an active social life.

to be at War not number, and ability

it Should be noted that the combat biography of a Soviet officer really deserves to have it told in the artwork. The ranks of the red Army Bauyrjan Momyshuly came long before the great Patriotic war. By the summer of 1941, a brave officer sucl to war in the far East, and also participated in the March on Bessarabia. Because Momyshuly had considerable experience of warfare, he was appointed battalion commander of the 316-th infantry division, commanded by I. V. Panfilov. In autumn 1941, the division moved to protect the approaches to Moscow. Subordinate to I. V. Panfilov was instructed to hold back the numerically superior forces of the enemy on the line of the front length of 40 kilometers. However, under military standards to successfully repel the attack of the enemy fully equipped division could only be in the range of 12 kilometers. In such a difficult situation the commander of the division proposed a new strategy: do not create a positional line of defense, and to strike the mobile parts on the moving columns of the enemy and then withdraw to the side. The strategy has been so successful that part of the military for success on the battlefield received its own name – the 8th guards Panfilov division.

From theory to practice

Despite the fact that the idea of containment of the enemy in this unusual way belonged to I. V. Panfilov, in practice its implementation was led by the battalion commander, senior Lieutenant Momyshuly. His contribution to the defense of Moscow was so great that the strategy of defense developed by I. V. Panfilov, called the “spiral Momyshuly”.

Colonel-General Erich Hepner, commander of the 4th Panzer group, openly stated that he was shocked by the Russian savage division, whose soldiers fought, breaking all the rules, and it is not afraid of death. As example, the battle of Demianski, when subordinates Mamas-uly has caused significant damage to the famous SS division “Dead head”. According to Soviet intelligence reports, the Germans occupied six villages near the city. Night Mamas-uly divided his regiment of 20 troops and ordered at midnight to hit from all six settlements from all sides. The Germans were in shock. While trying to organize the defense at least for one direction, they immediately got hit from the rear and with FLAngew. Overnight elite German SS had lost more than 1,200 soldiers and officers were killed, while the regiment Momyshuly has missed only 157 soldiers.

Meeting with idol

the high rank, which gave him the leaders of the Cuban revolution, Mamas-uly learned from the Newspapers. Without thinking, he invited the famous Cubans to his guests. Surprisingly, his letter reached the addressee. And distinguished guests came to the USSR to visit his idol. While Fidel Castro insisted on a return visit. It Momyshuly took on Cuba at the state level, as the most distinguished guest. At the personal request of the country’s leaders valiant Kazakh even read for the Cuban cadets two courses: “encirclement without losses” and “Management of night fighting in the offensive.” It was later revealed that the methods of warfare from Momyshuly was used by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara during the Cuban revolution.

Dmitry Sokolov

© Russian Seven

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