The widow of Kirk Douglas (1916-2020, “Spartacus”), Anne Buydens, celebrated her 101st birthday on Thursday – despite the coronavirus with her family, but with appropriate protective measures. Surrounded by balloons, Buydens sat in front of her house with a face mask and beckoned to a procession of family members and friends who drove through the driveway and brought congratulations out of their cars. Grandson Cameron Douglas (41) was one of them and shared photos of the extraordinary birthday party in his Instagram stories: “A special way to celebrate this very special day,” he wrote of the pictures from his car.

In addition to a photo of his grandmother and her famous husband, Cameron Douglas wrote on Instagram: “Happy birthday, grandma. 101 years of love, light and good advice! We love you!”

Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones (50) , the wife of Buydens’ stepson Michael Douglas (75) , also spoke on Instagram . “Happy birthday to my extraordinary step-in-law. Our queen, our grandma. You embody everything that is good about a woman, ”says Zeta-Jones. “I admire you and love you so much. Today you are 101 years young. Anne Douglas, thank you for everything you have done for the people of our world. ” Michael Douglas wrote to a picture that shows him with his father and Buydens:” Happy birthday, Anne Douglas! The best stepmother a stepson could hope for! ”

Anne Buydens celebrated her first birthday without husband Kirk. He died in February at the age of 103. The couple had been married to each other for over six decades. In 1954 the two of them said yes in Las Vegas, then their sons Eric and Peter were born. Kirk Douglas’ sons Joel and Michael are from their first marriage.


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