Since the days of the AfD flooded the Parliament with petitions, and demands that the Federal government’s information on the “Correction requests” to the media. Released on Friday, the first answers show that The questions had been, apparently, no real Background.

Because the answers are consistent, and that there had been “no Requests for corrections of reporting”. Individual agencies such as the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) stated that they would give only “in single media cases, then a note, if the published information is objectively inaccurate play, and a note for suitable and adequately considered” is.

According to the Bundestag administration, the AfD group has been around 200 Small requests of this kind. These were directed not only at the Chancellery and Federal ministries, but also to institutions such as the Bundesbank, the Federal criminal police office and Federal Prosecutor, as well as to authorities such as the Federal office for Cartography and geodesy (BKG) or for the study of culture of plants, competent, Julius-Kühn-Institute.

The AfD wanted to know in your Small requests, which occasions a Ministry or an authority in the media “to corrections of reporting,” have asked, whether “the benefit of the assistance of a lawyer” or without. The information should be detailed by date, Medium, occasion, and cost.

According to the Bundestag administration, it is true that deputies are interested in Small requests for Federal authorities and subordinate institutions. “In this accumulation of the is extremely unusual.”

In your requests, the AfD points out that this “part of the parliamentary control are a function of the German Bundestag and the outflow of the principle of Democracy”. Bundestag Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) accused the AfD in the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Stuttgarter Zeitung”, she attempts “to make the democratic institutions and processes contemptible”. And that, “in this case, clearly the intimidation of representatives of the press.”

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