Angelo Kelly had a burnout. The successful family of musicians will have to do without their fan favorite in the future. Because the singer surprisingly announced his exit from The Kelly Family a few days ago, as RTL reported.

In an interview with “Bild” he revealed the reason: it was a burnout! Angelo Kelly: “I didn’t just make music, I took care of all the management and organization, marketing. That was a stress factor and an incredible amount of work in the background. You can’t be a normal family man anymore. My head rattled all the time, even at night. ”

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For two years

And further: “I’ve been carrying this burnout feeling around with me for two years now. At some point this will ruin you. “His wife Kira in particular was decisive:” My wife Kira was so good at my side all the time and held my position at home. But she kept saying that I should stop. It was just too much. I had to decide what is essential for me. I am now reflecting a lot again in the Corona period – and now I realize what is important. I made the right decision. ”


And what’s next for his band? Kelly added: “I still don’t know how things will go with the Kelly Family without me. The family will now have to see who takes over my roles. Maybe someone from the outside will do that too. Nothing is currently certain. But I know that they all still feel like it. The mindset is there. My feeling is: this is not the end of the Kelly Family. You leave a band, you never leave a family. ”(Bang)


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