It is a ritual well established that starts before you even close the front door. Each morning, Carmelina Collado, prepares his dose of literature. Untangle and plug in the headphones, check out where to resume to have to press the little triangle ” play “, and dive, going down the stairs, in his audio book. Here’s part for thirty-five minutes of immersion, the trip time to its paris office, in a novel in Spanish, a novel in English or a saga in French. “My bubble of calm in the hustle and bustle of the metro – that does not prevent me to apologize if I am walking on the foot of the neighbor. “

it is Already five years that it lasts. This polyglot, an executive in a large hotel group, has caught the virus while on holiday. The reflection of the sun which blurs the view, the grains of sand in the pages, the bag is too full to accommodate extra weight, good reasons which have caused him to test ” book that speaks “.

Result : “The three volumes of Millennial on a brazilian beach in three weeks, has fun, does it. I had just discovered the power of the voice to enter in a story, the emotion of the listener. Since then, I have never stopped. On the contrary, I full at other times with podcasts. “

Generation Marlène Jobert

Raise the head of the screen to be lulled by the words, listen to the story of a writer, the adventures of an adventurer or the wisdom of a buddhist monk… they are more likely to open their ears. And full of stories, listening to books, but also podcasts, or ” podcasts “, as it is known to Quebecers, these programs (from the programs broadcast on the antennas or podcasts so-called ” native “, original creations) that you can download for free and then take any time from his mobile or tablet.

The format already has its showcase, the Paris Podcast Festival, which…


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