Sunday, May 19, 2024

What We Can Learn from Italy’s Nightclub Stampede

Italy’s nightclub scene is vibrant, and while different regions prefer different music, they’re all concerned about the stampede that left over six people dead in December. The stampede occurred at a rap concert, leaving dozens of others injured in the process. The chaos ensued when,...

Crispr: a Baby according to your request

babies are cute, Aids is ugly. In China now, twins were born, allegedly against HIV resistant, because of the embryos researchers want to have altered their genes using a technique called Crispr/Cas9. The man has a genetic engineering company. There are better...

Stephen Hawking: A fuel called Confidence

Contents page 1 — A fuel called Confidence page 2 — Forced to discover his inner freedom page 3 — That was his salvation page 4 — love, Humor, and meaning On a page imagine that you start into your adult life, early...

The Pros and Cons of Tax Abatement Programs

Property tax is just one of the many costs of homeownership. For some, property tax is a negligible cost, but for others, it can mean the difference between putting food on the table and paying the taxman. The average American household spends $2,279 per...

Aliens: “Even if I was wrong, I would be happy”

Contents page 1 — "if I was wrong, I would be happy," page 2 — "This was not a Stunt, it's just a study" page 3 — "I want to think differently!" On a page Read the English version of this article to...