Friday, July 26, 2024

Saudi Arabia has rejected accusations of undermining the market of shale oil

Saudi Arabia has rejected accusations of undermining the market of shale oil
In Riyadh, said that shale energy is an important source of energy

The last three aircraft of Russian air force flew to Serbia

The last three aircraft of Russian air force flew to Serbia
In the country to help in the fight against coronavirus, went ninth, tenth, and eleventh aircraft Il-76

In SF has proposed to allow the teenagers to make a projects on “people’s budget”

In SF has proposed to allow the teenagers to make a projects on "people's budget"
The amendments to Express their opinion can person 16 years of age

Putin urged not to close the company “with the same brush” because of the coronavirus

Putin urged not to close the company "with the same brush" because of the coronavirus
As an example, the Russian leader cited the Republic of Altai, where there was not a single case of infection COVID-19

The Polish delegation refused to come to Katyn for pandemic coronavirus

The Polish delegation refused to come to Katyn for pandemic coronavirus
This was announced by the Polish Embassy in Moscow