“Oh, no, determined!” I grab my husband by the Arm and we have to squint a Couple on the other side of the street over, which will disappear in a house entrance. The entry of the house, and we have it apart, because there is now from three to half five public housing inspection. Of course, all around three. It is in Hamburg, it is a very good location, it is a beautiful three-room apartment. Our only hope is that all of these attributes are clear to all thinking people should take when reading the display on the Internet any hope to ever collect. Perhaps many of the interested parties are, therefore, not even the effort, on this Saturday afternoon come.

Many do not even bother,

I’m right surprisingly hassig compared to the to me completely unknown Couple on the other side of the street. They look nice but boring. Very normal. None of them would bother me in real life. But from the first eye contact in this pretty little street we are at war. In the war of three rooms, a boarded floor, and a bathroom. I breathe in sharply, we walk Bucky, once again, up and down the street, not directly to the other Couple in the apartment to look it up. But it is where we come in.

the hallway is beautiful. Old building, well maintained. We push ourselves through the front door. The 70 square meters are full. Full Of People. Full of couples the 30, practically we in 80 different incarnations. A Couple has a cute Baby. Pigs. What a unfair means.

Living with Strangers If living alone is too expensive – the professionals-WG

Single, professional and looking for an apartment in the big city. Three things in one word: hopeless. More and more adults do, therefore, to residential communities. Out of necessity, the best time of life is so often.

I must think of my first mass visit in Hamburg. The lot was absurd. At the time I was mid 20’s and just looking for a room, as cheap as possible. Apartment was in a Central location in Altona, not too far from my new place of work. Full of hope and naivety I went. To me, directly down the street in an endless queue. The moved in the house on the stairs for a full two storeys high. It had just emphasizes friendly, from checked negative things with a cool Look. To Studio apartments, the absurd variety of people apply. Everyone can only guess what kind of tenants the owner wants probably the most.

In Hamburg, one of each hole of los

In two groups, the worldly-wise Realtor guides us through the Apartment. I and a young Couple in love, look around. To say it clearly: The apartment is a hole. The floor is uneven, the Wallpaper is peeling from the walls, the Linoleum curls, and there is no shower, only the appropriate connections. It smells funny. But – the location is good. I eh no claims and am sure, it is kind of nice to fix up. Although the hefty rental price seems a little ridiculous. But then again, not ridiculous – see the queue of interested parties in the stairwell. In Hamburg, you will get rid of every hole, for good money. In Munich, Stuttgart and Berlin probably is.

The Couple, the kitchen is throwing me a glance into the half-finished bathroom, the sad living/bedroom and the shabby Mini, apparently has experience. “Beautiful,” whoop you. “So much potential!”, “Since our Cabinet would fit in perfectly!” You thank me profusely for the Realtor, accepting their praise as a matter of course. Who wants to live, must be friendly. And lying and preening and bowing and scraping. Apparently. In this Moment, it is to me really stupid. I say goodbye to objectively and go. I don’t fill in the candidate slip, available in the hallway. I need to fuck urgently an apartment, have to get out two weeks later from my Zwischenmiet-WG, but this Shit I don’t have to give me!

5 tips for apartment seekers : Can my landlord at all? So you don’t fall into the data-Fullscreen

proof of income:

Almost every landlord in the case has now requested a proof of income. In the case of a tour, he can demand information about the income of, a document must first be presented shortly before the completion of the apartment. If you have any interest in an apartment, makes it to be open and to talk about the content. Nevertheless, you should be out sightseeing at each of the apartment without being asked a gehaltsa evidence to give, because you must distribute them possibly in the whole city.

To me, a small, Omi enters, among other things, the apartment. “I want to rent the apartment for my granddaughter, she studied in Dresden,” explains the Realtor. This is so many levels of wrong, I don’t know where to start.

fast-forward seven years later. My husband and I currently have a beautiful apartment. So we have no pressure. However, a bit more space would be after five years in two of the rooms beautiful, and this wooden floor, I’ve always wanted. And a balcony. All the other candidates are of course good. The crowd is much, much more homogeneous than at the time. Also more civilized. We smile at each other, make space for us, if someone is tailgating through the kitchen to the balcony, the two of us when Filling out the candidate more list friendly in the Pen.

Superficially friendly, subliminal hatred

But the inner anger is here much larger than at the time in Altona. Because here it is not easy to find a shelter, but a real small dream apartment at a okayen price. And we all should bring pretty much the exact same qualities – all couples gesettlete with fixed Jobs. How are we to convince the landlord? He can actually roll the dice only.

“Put on a respectable sweater”, I had my T-Shirt wearing man said, before we were attacked. This was completely in vain. The landlord does not live in Hamburg and was not at the tour, even locally. A neighbor from the house is a little embarrassed in the apartment hallway and getting us through the rooms. “Beautiful, is it?” I know for sure that all the other candidates are a little disappointed. The decision-makers would have been there, would you be able to bring in kind of a reminder. With compliments, kindness, neat appearance. So one wonders a bit why we are here at all. The apartment looks exactly like on the photos on the Internet. We would like to live here, we knew, actually, as we had read the ad. And so we see once longingly in each room, exchange a few words with the overmatched Neighboursn and enter us in the list.

The Evolution of the candidate list was quite amusing. The first couple of people had simply written down only their names, telephone numbers and E-Mail addresses. Then a Couple wrote “We could move in immediately!”, what acquisitions immediately all of the following applicants. Someone wrote the age of information, what made henceforth, all other and, of course, the occupations were then. A Few worked in the nursery. Pigs. Why not Doctors without borders? I’m thinking of briefly, a 100-Euro note under our pen to stick to written news. But of course I didn’t. So I try only to sovereign-looking calligraphy. As I write, skin me, the sweet Baby who squirms in his father’s Arm, with the chubby hand on the back. Mistake my ass. I turn around and smile in delight. The little thing is fully in the Game and know what’s going on here. We would also have to gain bring. A basket of sad Kittens, or something. Although Pets might not be so good.

The sneaky Baby full Game insane price for 13 square meters, is “The cheapest in the neighborhood” – you’ll never guess how much this “apartment” will cost New York

Well, and then we go again. In my head I’ve been looking for furniture for the balcony. I know that I should leave. “Log on in the morning just in the case of Mr. X”, says the neighbor with the apartment keys. We will send him in the evening, a Mail and attach directly to a completed self-disclosure. Later on, I am not angry, if that was completely stupid, because if he would only look on Monday, two days later, in his emails, that would be our message somewhere gaaaaaaanz at the bottom of the mailbox. But who knows. An apartment to apply, this is how blindfolded at a Piñata bash – only that a is the laughing friends not directly in front of the thing place, but a blind at the beginning of the forest to expose, in the somewhere on one of the thousands of trees on a Branch, the object of desire is appropriate.

I will update now since two days, every hour my E-Mail Inbox and try not to more about balcony furniture to think about. I haven’t heard anything yet, hopes are low. You can change the thumb doesn’t press – so, if you hopes happened to be on the same apartment.

wt topics in this article dream apartment in Hamburg madness Baby bath pigs Altona housing market Back to the Special housing market, Our author says: This mass visit was a nightmare display As we will be living in the future 5 tips for apartment seekers the my landlord even Allowed to? So you don’t fall into the data trap display Here, Young and Old Living together with Strangers When living alone is too expensive – the professionals-WG find, display What can we learn from the Bauhaus can


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