During the epidemic in the Moscow art Theater them. Bitter began to fire artists

Notice the artist Korepino presented on March 26. It is necessary so to catch this “gift” exactly to the professional holiday — Day of theatre! The official reason for the termination of the contract a reduction in the number of staff of the organization (paragraph 2 of article 81 of the Labour code), as expected, with the payment of compensation for unused vacation and severance pay for the month. And at the bottom of a Treasury paper with a flourish, like a school handwriting obliquely flies phrase: “With this order for my reduction completely disagree”. And the caption: Dmitry Korepin.

Dmitry is a young, as they say about artists, textured, energetic, maybe even too much. When he speaks, his overwhelming resentment. He’s not a brawler, which can be found in the capital troupes. Rather, it is open and naive, perhaps, these traits failed artist.

So what fired Lee? What is done to get laid? Maybe got drunk and disrupted the play, had to skip rehearsal? Maybe the artist he is hopeless and takes someone else’s place? The fact of the matter is that to judge the professional qualities of Dima now is absolutely impossible, because since June he’s off the stage. New Mat head Eduard Boyakov, Tatiana Doronin, who replaced on a post of the artistic Director, was made by a young artist from all roles, Lee is not playing and not practicing. What is this favor?

it All began last year, when Lee allowed himself to write on his Facebook page that Boyakov insulted the actors, calling them “creatures, are only able to imitate”. And could, incidentally, be silent, others say, always complicated relationships between management and artists.

But most importantly, is accused of Dima that he continued to defend Tatyana Doronin. And perhaps the only who are young and inexperienced in the intricacies of life behind the scenes continued to talk about it out loud. Not went and cried about it in the corridors, but the meetings were expressed. And that hurt and PRAVDU, and people’s artist Tatiana Doronin, who, by the way, so quickly abandoned by those who considered her perennial favorites, be obsequious with her. And boy, some five years and served on the stage, not afraid to speak out.

I Must say that Tatiana, although still at the head of the Moscow art theatre, noted the excellent performance Korepin (voice, texture, temperament); he received the role of Ivan Homeless in the play “Master and Margarita”. Took care of it and humanly: Lee is an orphan, not a Muscovite, living in a Dorm. On it she wrote the same has Boyakov: “After I announced my resignation as artistic Director, Dima, active and regardless of the names and faces of the interlocutors, it has become all to prove the injustice of this situation. He, like the rest of the cast defended the Russian realistic theatre and my name was designated as “illiquid” unsuited to the creative space of the new leadership. Live in Moscow Dmitry nowhere if he is dismissed from the theater, he will be expelled from the hostel. His dismissal from the theater I think it is unfair, I will defend it as enough forces.”

Now Dima tells me:

— the lawyer of the theatre Fedor Kirillov said that I should go to has Boyakov, to repent. Hinted: a pier, agree to our terms or never will be.

— would you really go to a new head and if you do not repent…

— what should I repent? What did I do? I asked then attorney. And what you have to do is to admit that Doronina NOT being treated unfairly? He didn’T call us, to stand up for Doronin, “illiquid”?

However, there was a time when I came to the hostel, sat down, thought, “why don’t you go and repent?..” No, I do not admit such thoughts, but I see that they are forcing me to it. No, I will not go to such a betrayal and humiliation. Before that I had a conversation with the male by Prilepine. “Are you still working?” — he asked me. I asked him to help: “I have no place IDti, you see what the situation around. I first asking for myself (really, earlier Lee asked for an artist who last year fell out of favor with the new boss, and she Oncology. the — M). I really will not be arranged”.

— Helped Zakhar Prilepin?

— Prilepin told me to go to contract, and then won’t hurt me. And I, and everyone knows that then just throw. Here and thrown out — on March 26, was given an order: in connection with staff reduction.

— You fight for Tatiana Vasilievna. She is aware of what is happening? Including you?

I talked to her, told about the dismissal. She Boyakov told me not to cut. It turns out that he had deceived her. She’s in shock from this whole situation, I personally said still can not recover from how it did. And now I’m sure that Putin is not exactly got a letter with its request to investigate. Six months understand.

— Now obvious to all, people’s artist of the USSR Tatyana Doronin misled with this honorary presidency — it is in the Moscow art theatre. Gorky was a pure myth. And how is she feeling?

— Now a little better. In the hospital she lay there, her legs ached.

you have On hand — order of reduction. How did you get to this order of dismissal and how to lose?

— 25 thousand. And in Doronina — 70 thousand. Played a lot: I had twenty performances a month.

— What are you going to do next?

— we Will sue. Helps me trade Union of cultural workers.

…what’s happening at the Moscow art Theater them. Bitter with one actor, can be seen as a scathing rebuke and an example to all those who allow themselves to disagree with the policies of the new art direction, though Eduard Boyakov — no not the artist, but only a Manager with artistic ambitions and administrative resources. And weight with this reresources, of course, that a nuclear missile against one unarmed and homeless artist, with honor and dignity.

Such is the simple story of the Moscow art theatre. Gorky, where the price of loyalty — 25 000 rubles per month.