Photo: TASS/Zuma
France has ordered from China one billion medical masks to combat coronavirus. Now in the country there is a shortage of masks in drugstores you can buy them only on prescription, said the radio station France Info.
For transporting masks every week will run four flights. Each plane accommodates 18.3 million masks.
Earlier, the French foreign Ministry reported that China has sent France a million masks and other remedies.
According to the decision of the local authorities in the country closed cafes, restaurants, cinemas, stores, shops. From March 17, imposed severe restrictions on the movement of people.
In recent days the number of cases of infection with coronavirus in the entire world exceeded 600 thousand. In Russia 228 confirmed cases of infection with coronavirus infection. Across the country identified 1264 infected.
In those areas, and is non-stop construction of a new infectious center
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