Frida Gold are back with their new single “Halleluja”, the first track from the upcoming album “Wach”. It is the second musical sign of life since 2016 – after the single “Again something comes to an end”.

“Halleluja” will be released on June 4th and is a seductive power pop song about basic trust “and solidarity with your own being”. About everything coming as it should, not as you want it to be, and that it can be and is good. Alina would like to dance around the fire, full of gratitude, she laughs, until she is free, of the inner doubts that prevent lightness and affirmation.

New album comes out in September

“Awake” is a reflected, yet very emotional album, full of confrontational hope, full of intuitive belief in further development. Because Frida Gold has given itself time to process and approve. You can hear that in the lyrics, you can feel it when you meet them, and it sounds in the new music. She looks attentive, natural, loving. It offers a space in which one can look inside, without pathos, without cramp. With happy tears and confidence.

Frida Gold melden sich aus der Versenkung zurück!

Aaron Rose / Universal Music


Back home

“The retreat to our old home, the Ruhr area, a few years ago allowed us to become who we are,” the duo now said. Away from Berlin, away from the old label. Away from the world in which Frida Gold’s previous career between touring, television appearances and number 1 hit has taken place. Towards family and friends and regular sessions on the piano in Alina’s sunny coach house in Bochum.

The album will be released on September 24th. On Thursday, May 28th, 2024, at 7.30pm there will be a live stream on Instagram @fridagold!


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