Especially small children are confused and frightened when their parents separate.It is important that parents choose the right moment and the right words.

With the birth of a child begins a years-lasting journey of discovery through the world. Constant companion and protector on this journey, the parents are. They are always there, always together and always accessible. The changes, if the parents separate. One of the parents will probably move out of the shared apartment.

For children of all age groups, this represents a deep incision in the previous life. Very small children are often frightened at the news. One is left, who knows if the other is doing? Parentheses and the return to behaviors that resemble a baby’s age, possible reactions of an infant.

Typical response: show Slacking in school

small children, so subconsciously, your desire, that everything will be as before. Nursery-age children respond in a similar manner, but they have already differentiated feelings. Often, these children fear that they themselves could have in any way to blame. This is quite logical: children in the terrible twos perceive themselves as the center of the world.

so you’re afraid that you did something wrong when mom and dad separate. Perhaps they are trying to make the separation, for instance, they are particularly well-behaved.

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A typical response of school children are decreasing the performance in the school. Anger and grief, a burden on younger and older school children. Understand the feelings of their parents and can spend up to a certain degree of understanding, but they are unable to cope with the Situation. You feel powerless and helpless in the face of disaster, and is broken about them.

Teenager react differently

In older school children add to this, that you feel for your parents. You want to help, are likely to be used rather unconsciously by the parents as a Consolation than younger children. You overwhelm yourself by taking on duties and responsibilities for which they are too young.

young people experience of puberty is already a time of constant change. Nothing seems stable, and now the whole family to break apart? Young people can react in a variety of ways. Maybe you feel overwhelming anger about the behavior of the parents, decide right now to go apart.

First Loslöseversuche

you can, however, also develop understanding for the relationship problems and even a Partner as partners to offer – after all, young people have self-interest in relationships. The young people can be Adults for a second before his reaction in the early Loslöseversuchen. To deal with instead of dealing with the family crisis, want to take the young people to be independent and his own life begin. PDF Just sad or been depressed? Our PDF guide shows you the most important symptoms, promising therapies, and common psychotropic drugs for Depression.To the PDF guide

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