Met the CEO of the forecasts, this year again 23.000 Euro royalties. In purely mathematical terms, the company Boss, and so ends up in 16.162 euros per month. This is the Median value, which means that is a half of the respondents about the value, the other below it.

average income of workers is located at 2860 Euro

The amount can be seen, according to the statistics Portal Statista, the average income of all workers in 2017 in Germany at 2860 euros in the month. This is almost one fifth of the managing Director-remuneration. However, the average” workers are working “48 hours a week, because part-time workers included in the statistics.

For the study, has asked the consulting company BBE Media together with the German tax Advisor Association 3000 managers and entrepreneurs, such as the “Handelsblatt” reported exclusively. As a result, the most popular service is car a Audi A 6. Also 5-series BMW and E are demand-class model of Mercedes. Hopefully not a Diesel, one wants the managers. Content check: The gross-to-net calculator to 2018, So much will remain net from the gross

women around nine percent of the managing Director

The above data is valid for men, who with about 91 percent of the Bulk of the managing Director. Women sitting on such a Post, you have to make do with less content, satisfied. On average, they earn 15 percent less, as the data.

salary increases for the majority of managing Directors in the current year had to abandon by the way, how the study determined. More than three-quarters of the respondents get a salary plus. The Rest had to be content with small increases in satisfaction.

chemistry/Pharma and automotive industries pay the most

a Decisive factor for the level of income, the industry in which a CEO works. Top salaries, pays for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, with 169,000 euros salary. Far behind, the retail trade and craft. At the end of the ranking, managing Director in the Vehicle manoeuvring-trade, where the Median is at € 92,000.

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In the FOCUS Online/Wochit It comes to 18 billion Euro: How much more money would you have without solos in the wallet, mbe managing Director the gross income


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