No more fins: At the streaming provider Netflix, the American trash format “Too Hot To Handle” aka “Finger weg!” Has blossomed into a crowd puller. The concept, which is as simple as it is ingenious: ten single women and men in the island paradise, a lot of testosterone, little clothing and just one rule – no tenderness and yes no sex, otherwise the winnings of $ 100,000 will drop. Anyone who has already searched through the eight episodes of the first season of “Finger weg!” But is far from having enough of the reality dating drama should give the following shows a chance.
Netflix now has a wide range of well-produced trash TV. With “Dating Around” the name says it all: one episode goes on five blind dates per episode, in the end he or she has to decide with whom another meeting should take place. The first season has six episodes and shows both heterosexual and homosexual love seekers. The happy customer for everyone who likes the format: Season two is already a done deal.
With “Back With The Ex” it is also easy to guess what it is about: The Australian format brings four former couples back together and explores the question of whether they could still have a common future decades after the split. If you want to know whether there are one or more happy endings, you have seven touching and / or dramatic episodes of “Back With The Ex” in front of you.
Getting engaged to someone you have never seen before – that is the premise of “Love Is Blind”. Is it possible to fall madly in love with a person’s character regardless of appearance? The Netflix production team goes through this experiment with its candidates over a period of 30 days and lets the singles chat with each other exclusively via loudspeakers. So far there are ten regular episodes and a reunion special of the participants from “Love Is Blind”.
The most elaborate format at Netflix is called “Extreme Engagement”, even if it is not strictly a dating show. The two candidates are already engaged as a couple and want to find out in a wide variety of countries and through various challenges whether they really have a common future. Over eight episodes of Australian production and a period of one year, the audience followed the two from Sydney to Cameroon and Indonesia to China. On their trip they are confronted with jungle camp-like disgusting tasks up to polygamy, until in the last episode the all-important question is asked: Do Tim and PJ still want to make a marriage after the exertions?