Berlin (dpa/tmn) – In case of accident to escape the insurance may demand from her opponent replaced the damage by the polluter. However, this recourse obligation can be eliminated under certain circumstances.

This is the case, if the polluter has not noticed the accident or the insurance would have had to pay in any case. So, even if the accident would have been noted.

The judgment of the district court of Berlin shows: When leaving a Parking space, a woman damaged her car and another vehicle. The damage replaced your insurance, but called recourse. Because the car driver would have been injured due to the accident to escape their duty. This argued, in turn, to have the accident were not noted. And even if, would have had to pay the insurance for the damage.

Before the court, the woman got right. If you had noticed the accident when leaving a Parking space, don’t come. Because then the insurance would have had to pay. In addition, the possibility of a hit-and-run had to retire due to unfitness to drive. Because Park accidents are not “of alcohol and/or drugs or typical” (Az.: 119 C 3173/17). The judgment of the working group traffic law of the German bar Association (DAV) reported.

Association of traffic law


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