imago images / AAP

Katy Perry will be one of the main acts at Rock The Votes virtual “Democracy Summer 2024” concert. We can only hope that the concert does not collide with Katy’s date of birth.

The singer (“Daisies”) is currently expecting the first child with her fiancé Orlando Bloom and already looks quite pregnant. According to Katy’s statements, the birth should be “sometime in the summer” – we know more about the virtual concert. That will take place on June 18.

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I’m excited to be a part of this kickoff to Democracy Summer 2024 with so many amazing talents, activists and speakers. The young people of America are speaking loud and clear on the streets and online, and come November, it will be more important than ever to fight for justice and equality, and against systemic racism, with our ballots ?? Tune in Thursday, June 18 @ 5pm PT. Link in bio.

A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on Jun 15, 2024 at 9:37 am PDT

For justice and equality

The organizers Rock the Vote, Voto Latino Foundation, When We All Vote and March For Our Lives have set themselves the goal of winning over 200,000 new voters this summer.

35-year-old Katy called on her fans to “fight for justice and equality” with their ballot papers as part of the Black Lives Matter movement after George Floyd’s murder by a police officer sparked worldwide protests.

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Katy said in a statement: “I am delighted to be part of the ‘Democracy Summer 2024’ event that will have so many great talents, activists and speakers.”

And further: “The young people in America speak out loudly and clearly on the streets and online and by November it will be more important than ever to campaign for justice and equality against systemic racism with our ballot papers.” (Bang)


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