The evening started badly. After delaying our aperitif from 19 hours to 19: 45, the boss of France Music, stuck in an interminable executive committee, has sent an SMS to the shift yet. But what SMS ! “Dear Sir, do you think you could be late for our appointment ? This would allow me to get there on time. “

After a word of apology so funny, so elegant, how can we be impatient ? All Marc Voinchet is there. He is the man who makes you smile in the meetings, the most soporific. The Jerry Lewis of the radio. The clown in a costume director, after having long worn the journalist. “It is true, of more than 50 years, I don’t finish to be a clown “, he admits, once he arrived – bang on time – at La Bocca, a small Italian restaurant in her neighborhood, near les Halles, in Paris. “Besides, I have a red nose hanging in my office. “

This summer, again, it is disguised by Scarlatti, one of his idols. When he had been appointed to the head of France Musique, in 2015, the new director was announced, laughing to his team : “I’m going to impose on you, my three S’s : Scarlatti, Sinatra and Snoop Dogg. “A joke has become a reality, or nearly so.

He dropped the american rapper. But under his leadership, France Musique has actually orchestrated a day Frank Sinatra and then an incredible festival Scarlatti. In July, the 555 sonatas of the Italian composer have been performed and recorded over thirty-five concerts, with thirty harpsichordists different, delights his admirers by enjoying one of these whiskies “pure malt” which he tries to grasp all the nuances.

The human chameleon

on this occasion, the radio has made hundreds of masks of Scarlatti. “This summer, I fell down near Lodève, in the Hérault department, and I have put one for a selfie in front of the car, while two mechanics were bent on my engine. They asked : “is…


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