of Course, had asked friends whether it was not careless, after two months for the court date to return to Turkey, told the journalist Mesale Tolu, the ZDF prior to your departure. But how she could stay in the process because remote? Her husband, Suat Corlu was also accused and could not leave the country due to a ban on Leaving. If you keep a distance, then it is not going to increase the chances of your man. But you come to comment. “I have been wronged, and I would like to be able to complete this time,” said Tolu.

Now the court has lifted in Istanbul, but also the exit barrier for Tolus man. So the last reasonable reason for them no longer to engage in a process to suspend, the can end with a sentence of imprisonment, but in no case under fair conditions will take place. Tolu and her husband are accused of membership of extreme left-wing Marxist-Leninist Communist party (MLKP), which is considered in Turkey as a terrorist organization.

the court could impose a penalty of up to 20 years. By the process, the family was separated: The Ulm-born journalist had spent in 2017, more than seven months in custody and had been detained after their release in December in Turkey. Until the end of August, she was allowed to fly with their son to Germany.

of Course, the actual release of Tolu and Corlu is equally political, as it was their arrest. It is the result of a convergence policy between Turkey and Germany, whose logic could be a Indomitable as Tolu quite unappealing. Currently, the Turkish government releases President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, people, as if they were a kind of capital saved up, so arrested, in times of diplomatic crisis with Europe and the U.S., again traded for political normalization.

The Tolus, the US preacher Andrew Brunson, the anonymous German who came around Erdogan’s state visit to free. While Erdogan as a stock trader, the hedge possible risks with counter-transactions acts. Brutal Against Shops. If he is moving closer to the West, because Russia can’t help him and the neighboring Arab States increasingly view him as a Problem. So, as he stalked before on Moscow and Tehran and on the way a couple of Westerners imprisoned. You never know.

At the end of the Absurd – is this blackmail strategy is a zero-sum game: The exchange of hostages, the Turkish President is always exactly as much political capital as he has previously playful. Only his credibility suffers in the long term. And maybe also our memory, and therein lies a danger.

If at some point all of Tolus, Steudtners, Yücels are released, are still sitting a countless number of Turkish journalists, activists, officials, simple citizens, unjustly in prison. Who resembles you?


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