Update from the 13. January 2019: pop star Michelle shows up for some time with a new friend at your side. Now an old love, the singer appears again to: Matthias Reim. Michelle and Matthias Reim will give your luck a second Chance? A Post on Instagram fuelled the rumors of the former dream couple in the world again violently.

Michelle and Matthias Reim had published in October, a joint a Single. In the Text, “Not” is worthy of it, of course, a failed relationship and the feelings for the Ex. Michelle and Matthias Reim separated for 18 years, but the Song-lines of many Fans on a love Comeback of the two hope.

there Is now a Happy-End between Michelle and Matthias Reim? Michelle’s message has it.

“Hey dear Fans! You have a dream at the end of our Video “does Not deserve”? Now there is finally!!! So the Video is looking at you now again, up to the end, and then you will see what happens… your Michelle,“ writes Michelle for the Video Post on Instagram.

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram

A post shared by Michelle (@michelle_aktuell) on Jan 12, 2019 12:36 PST

Michelle in black lingerie – what the?

With the announcement, Michelle, your Fans curious. What to see at the end of the video? Matthias Reim and Michelle disappear in separate hotel rooms. But what then Fans can see happening on youtube.com . Only in black lingerie Michelle sneaks across the hallway and disappears in the room of Matthias Reim. So, yet. However, this “alternate ending” came to be special for their Fans. The love comeback with Matthias Reim takes place only in the Video.

Michelle’s appearance in the “Helene Fischer Show” Fans mad about the Statement, then

Update from 27. December, 17 at: After their appearance in the “Helene Fischer Show” were Michelle and her allegedly altered appearance number one topic of conversation on the net. Now, it has been reported the singer on Instagram. “Dear Fans!! Would just like to clarify that I have neither lips nor anything else in my face. Unfortunately,

check out this post on Instagram

dear Fans!! Would like to briefly clear that I’m neither lips nor anything else in my face. Unfortunately, it often happens that the light was not in a Show… As always!! I’m glad at least extreeeem on Saturday in Berlin with Matze!!!! I hope that many of you are, and then we rock out together on stage!!!!!

A post shared by Michelle (@michelle_aktuell) on Dec 26, 2018 10:47 PST

A statement that a lot of Michelle Fans find very strange. “Of course, we are not exposed all a bit “under”? Wherein, in the Statement here the word takes on a whole new meaning to,“ commented a Fan. “The light is to blame for it? Yes, ne, is clear, for how stupid one can keep his Fans only…?“, asks another. “On the photo you look quite different than it is on television,” says another.

Update vom 26. December 2018: pop star Michelle lets her Fans on Christmas to your life, the pretty blonde is an indispensable part of the punch business. On the first day of Christmas, the 46-surprised Years then as a guest in the great Helene Fischer Show. Along with the 34-Year-old performed the two Peter Maffay’s Hit “just like you”. While Helene, as always, gorgeous, enters in a two-piece to the stage, pulling Michelle with her short glittery dress for all to admire.

As if the beautiful figure of the 46-Year-old and her Wow-cleavage wasn’t reason enough for a traffic jam would be the end of the spectators, were many Fans during the Performance, surprised at the appearance of the singer. Above all, a strange new Look gave many viewers puzzles. In the comments on the Helene Fischer Show some Fans to remember: “I didn’t recognize you”. Some Fans suspect behind the change in Style, however, no new Make-Up or a change in Styling. Some of the Users in order to conclude: “she’s in surgery!” Most of the Fans are of the appearance of the pretty blondes, but very enthusiastic.

+ Michelle performed in the ZDF-Show, together with Helene Fischer the Schlagerhit “just like you”. © Screenshot/ZDF – Helene Fischer Show

On Instagram showed the 46-Year-old only a few hours before in her usual, very natural Look. In a short Video of the pop star wishes his Fans a merry Christmas.

check out this post on Instagram

♥ love it.

A post shared by Michelle (@michelle_aktuell) on Dec 24, 2018 5:05 PST

Michelle is quite hot in the season of Advent

Update from 10. December 2018, at 17.17: Michelle heats up your Fans with a recent photo on Instagram is just powerful. For the second Advent, the singer (46) is revealing. With open lips and a rigid lascivious view of Michelle posing in front of the camera. The neckline of your Outfit is mega-deep, up to the belly. Her Boobs are just covered by the shimmering fabric, and there are a lot of skin to see.

“dear Fans, I wish you a great second Advent,” writes Michelle of the Instagram Post. And more: “Enjoy Love the time with your… it is the most precious time we have! Also, I enjoy the time today with my children and my treasure.“ In the end, Michelle is still two Make-out Emojis and four exclamation points.

To these desires your Fans react completely differently. Some criticize the photo. “This picture does not fit to Christmas,” says a User. “The picture is not like me. Schlager is hot, the picture is cold. I’m sorry,“ says another. Also questionable comparisons are to be found in the comments: “So, you could be the older sister of Gina Lisa Lohfink”.

But there are also a lot of applause: “Wow… really hot”, “Stunning sensual beautiful” and “hui” in praise of Followers.

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram

A post shared by Michelle (@michelle_aktuell) on Dec 9, 2018 at 3:45 PST

Michelle sunbathes Topless and a lot of Fans freak out

initial meld of 15. August 2018, 9.11 PM: pop star Michelle (46) has their current Album “taboo” on the market. With a case-less photo on Instagram, the singer proves that she whistles to conventions, at least on the beach.

Munich – Michelle is in the German Schlager scene is truly not an Unknown. However, the singer has sharp competition. Superstars such as Helene Fischer (34) and Vanessa may (26) are fighting hard for places in the Charts and the favor of their Fans. The times in which brave girls brought to the stage the crowd Sway, are over. Voice alone is not enough. Bombastic stage Shows, and extravagant Outfits are on the agenda.

On your current Album Cover, Michelle is almost naked. Self-consciously, the 46-Year-old. The reactions of her Fans agree with her. Michelle, who is in normal life, Tanja Gisela Hewer, need to truly not have to hide.

singer Michelle Topless

In a new Instagram Post, Michelle proves once again that she has no problems with your body. On the beach, the singer is shown Topless. However, only the back of the 46-Year-old to see, but their Followers are completely from the house. Michelle sits, apparently, on the beach, a Bikini panties, a Cap on the head and a large pair of sunglasses on the nose. On the Black-and-White photo clearly shows a Tattoo of the entwined leaves from the lower back through your hip to the shoulder.

A post shared by Michelle (@michelle_aktuell) on Aug 11, 2018 at 6:23 PM PDT

“Wow”, “beach pearl” and “Hammer” comment on their Fans, the photo. The other is, in turn, this view, apparently, even to little. “Stupid Camera Perspective!”, says wink, a User with a eyes. Another, however, expresses his desire clearly: “Can You turn around at the next picture to the camera?“, he asks.

see also: Schlager Star Michelle showed it freely with your friend – it’s all over now

If Michelle takes this to heart, it will show. Anyone who has taken the photo of the singer remains the unclear, as well, where the revealing snap-shot.

A post shared by Michelle (@michelle_aktuell) on Jul 5, 2018 9:00 am PDT

you can also read: Vanessa may be under the short dress look – and wearing no panties

also read: “How is Helene Fischer”: Fans are wondering – Sophia Thiel changed total



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