Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Evgeny Samarin
Messages that the transport managers had been instructed to call the police in case of transport of Chinese citizens, do not correspond to reality, reported in Mosgortrans.
Earlier, one of the Network users posted a screenshot of alleged correspondence between employees of Mosgortransa. It States that managers upon receipt from the drivers of land transport information on a finding in salon of rolling stock the Chinese should call the police.
“fake It”, – stressed in the company.
the Outbreak of a new coronavirus COVID-19 was identified in a large Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of December 2019. The who has recognized her emergency of international scale, describing as an epidemic, with many lesions. The government has included a new virus in the list of dangerous diseases.
outside China, cases of infection recorded in 25 countries, including Russia. In Russia COVID-19 were two citizens of China, their sickness proceeded in the form of light. At the moment patients are discharged.
see also
“Honestly asked for help.” The Deputy – about the lady who escaped from quarantine at coronaviruses of coronavirus: what will happen to the lady for the escape from the hospital