Nadja Abd el Farrag has completely changed her life in recent months. It seems that Nadja has finally managed to overcome her addiction to alcohol. In Dangast on the North Sea, Naddel has now started a new life and even found a new job. Now her new boss unexpectedly unpacks via Naddel.

With Nadja Abd el Farrag it never gets boring! Nadja has been living in Dangast on the North Sea for several months. The now 55-year-old wants to start a new phase of life there. And the signs are good, because in addition to a new apartment, Nadja has already started a new job for some time. Since moving to the North Sea coast of Lower Saxony, Nadja has been working in a spa. Now her boss Markus Kattenbaum tells “taff” how Nadja has been doing well in her new job. “Of course, we also asked ourselves beforehand. Is that the right thing? But since there are hardly any employees that we can generate here, we quickly realized that this was a great opportunity, and she was doing her job well. It’s down-to-earth, it’s lovely, ”says Kattenbaum, impressed by Nadja’s past performance. Honest words that should above all help to rebuild Naddel’s broken self-confidence a little.

And Nadja herself also seems to like it in her new home.

Because in Dangast, far from the hustle and bustle of the big city, Nadja can finally come to rest. Nadja has often tried to change her life in recent years. And this time she has the feeling that it could finally work. “I don’t know, starting again at 60 or 65 is more difficult than now at 55. So I always think that’s mine – so I told myself now – my last chance. Actually, it always worked for me. Not persistent, but it always worked, at least in the beginning. And why shouldn’t it work all the time now, damn it, ”says Naddel confidently. Her many fans and friends in particular will be happy when Nadja finally succeeds again.


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