Her loyal fans already miss her painfully and ask themselves desperately: Where has Helene Fischer gone? While other artists are looking for contact with their fans in the Corona crisis, Helene Fischer’s fans have been missing their idol for a long time. For more than a month, fans have not received any sign of life from their idol.

Helene Fischer undoubtedly has a large number of loyal fans. And the Schlager Queen has always been able to rely blindly on their support. More than 700,000 followers follow the singer on social media. And this broad fan base always had an encouraging word or compliment for Helene. But now the mood seems to be slowly changing. More and more often and louder the fans express their displeasure that the singer is almost no longer active on her social networks.

And this resentment is solely due to the behavior of the singer. Actually sad, because her loyal fans have always strengthened the back of the singer. Even after the love-off with Florian Silbereisen and the subsequently published relationship with her dance partner Thomas Seitel, the fans always kept her peg. They protected their idol against all hostility and never criticized the singer’s surprising decision. But now resentment is growing among Helene’s fans. Because that the singer did not say a single word to her followers during the Corona crisis, is not only incomprehensible for many, but even unforgivable.

If you look at the social media of Helen Fischer, you will now find a lot of negative comments, especially on Facebook and Instagram. “We all as fans have made this career possible for her. Is it too much in this tough time to address your fans with a few encouraging words? “,” Let me hear from you personally, I already have withdrawal symptoms “or” Too bad that you don’t get anything from this difficult time Helene hears! It would be nice to hear a little sign of life, ”you can read in the comment columns there. Most recently, Helene announced in the social networks the cancellation of her planned concerts in early April. Since then there has been absolute radio silence. Much to the displeasure of her numerous fans, who are now breathing more and more into their anger. Is Helen really so busy that she can’t even find the time for a quick message to her fans?


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