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Home Entertainment Oana Nechiti wins "Llambis dance duel" in Senegal!

Oana Nechiti wins "Llambis dance duel" in Senegal!

April 19, 2024 – 8:15 p.m.

Duel at eye level or a clear thing?

Joachim Llambi invited to the dance dud and sent the professionals Kathrin Menzinger and Oana Nechiti to Senegal. They sweated, doubted and of course danced. Everything under the critical eyes of the locals. But in the end there can only be one winner. Both the Senegalese and Joachim Llambi rate the performances. And finally, Oana Nechiti is chosen as the winner! In the video, we show how the points differ from Kathrin.

Oana & Kathrin have bitten through

Kathrin Menzinger is one of the top favorites for the title in the current season of “Let’s Dance” with her celebrity dance partner Tijan Nije. Oana exchanged the dance floor for the “DSDS” jury two years ago. Is that an advantage for Kathrin? It is clear that both have to nibble properly on the Senegalese dance style. In the meantime, the dance teacher even judges Kathrin “That is not good!”. Ouch, he was sitting. But Oana is also desperate for the unusual dance steps and is even about to give up. But both motivate each other and at the end present a worth seeing dance duel, in which one will be a bit ahead. We show the performance of the two in the video.

Watch “Llambis Dance Duel” on TVNOW

All episodes of “Llambis Dance Duel” and “Let’s Dance” are available for later viewing on TVNOW.

Joachim Llambi

Kathrin Menzinger

Oana Nechiti


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