According to the ZDF cancelled concert at the Dessau Bauhaus, the Band has announced “Fine cream fish fillet”, to the night still in the city. Wrote the musician on Facebook. A place they announced that they were not.

The ZDF was forced to the concert with live transmission to cancel, after the Bauhaus Foundation had made of your house and a concert in your rooms is prohibited. Already in November, the station had invited the punk rocker to singer Jan Gorkow for a live music series, at the national and international musicians on the occasion of the 100. Bauhaus anniversary should occur on the historical stage. AfD and CDU practiced violent criticism at the concert, because the Rostock Band was occasionally observed from the land the protection of the Constitution in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The CDU accused “Fine cream fish fillet” on Facebook, a “shoulder-to-shoulder with the AfD and the Nazi comradeships”. The Band wants to play despite the cancellation, it would “not be intimidated”.

The band members were critical of in your post, the Bauhaus Foundation: “The Bauhaus is always independent of art, architecture, and historically has a very clear anti-fascist Tradition, which is entered into by the Foundation, unfortunately, now with feet. The shaken us and is a fatal sign.” The decision of the Foundation called the musicians “pathetic”.

The cultural institution had justified their decision with a mobilization of radical Right-wing, which is said to have called the event planning. Not to be “in order to once again become an arena for political Agitation, and Aggression,” it said in a public notice.



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