16. July 2019 it was so far: The former German defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was elected the new President of the European Commission. This Position is expected to be on 01. November 2019 by your predecessor, Jean-Claude Juncker to take over. For the controversial von der Leyen, the office is the career highlight of her political career.
Ursula von der Leyen: as much As you earned as a Minister of defence
Finally, it is in this function, at the top of the EU administration and as head of the Executive, a head of government at the national level, equal. The new Job in Brussels means not only more responsibility and obligations – but also very much more money. Your future salary should be according to the Handelsblatt, which is significantly over your past as a Federal Minister. As defence ministries, the CDU-politician deserved, finally, so far, 16.254 Euro gross per month. Added to this was an annual tax-free lump sum of approximately 3.681 Euro.
During Bundestag to decide in the Parliament about the amount of their diets, the European Council, consisting of the 28 heads of government of the member States, since 1967, how high the salaries of the EU Commission fail. This will be paid from the EU budget.
Leyens content as the new EU Commission President – and more content than Merkel?
will Thus earn of the Leyen in the future, 25.500, – Euro gross per month. Add to that some allowances, such as relocation and travel costs and an expense allowance of about 1,400 euros. Overall, this corresponds to a gross annual salary of at least 322.800 Euro! For comparison: German Chancellor Angela Merkel receives a little more than 333.000 euros.
The Piquant about it: your basic salary, so the fixed monthly salary without (the for certain benefits paid) surcharges, premiums & co. equivalent of 138 (!) Percent of the salary of EU officials in the highest grade.
This will get “only” a rate of 112.5 percent, 22.747 Euro gross on a monthly basis. Your income, however, is taxed according to the rules of their respective home countries. But the back taxes will flow back into the EU budget. Pension contributions and social security contributions are withheld.
your opinion is asked!
see also: Christmas trees, drones, & co.: waste, the state uses the money of taxpayers.