The deceased was the exception physicist Stephen Hawking has stated, in a posthumously published message, his concern for the science. Around the world science and education are more in danger than ever before, warned Hawking in the rows, which were presented on the occasion of the publication of his last book “Short answers to big questions” (Original: “letter-Answers To The Big Questions”). He pointed to the election of Donald Trump to the US President and the Brexit vote of the British.
Both events to the year 2016 were “a global revolt against experts and scientists, it includes,” said Hawking. At the same time he called on young people to “high to the stars and not look down at your feet”. Science must die great challenges, such as climate change, Overpopulation, species, deforestation, and the degradation of the oceans masters.
“Try to understand, what you see, and you’re wondering what makes the universe exist,” asked Hawking. “It is important that you give up. You Can Unleash Your Imagination. You will shape the future.“
Hawking was on 14. March, at the age of 76 years died. The Briton is regarded as one of the greatest scientists of our time. In 1963, at the age of 21 years, he has a nerve disease AS found. Hawking sat for years in a wheelchair and communicated with a computer voice that gave him a monotonous robot-like voice. In June, his ashes were buried in Westminster Abbey in London, beige – among the graves of the other sizes of Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton.