Transform the study of medicine, deemed particularly difficult, here is one of the possible axes of the reform of health systems. According to information from Franceinfo on Wednesday, the government may well decide to delete the ” numerus clausus “, which imposes a limit on the number of medical students. The announcement could be made on the occasion of the presentation of the reform of health systems, on the 18th of September next. On France Inter, the member LREM Isère Olivier Véran said he was working elsewhere at the moment with other parliamentarians on possible proposals that would go to the end of the ” numerus clausus “.
” I can not anticipate the decision and the content of the statements of the president of the Republic, but if you’re asking me about what I’m wearing, I think it is necessary to finish with this system (the numerus clausus, editor’s NOTE) both unfair and obscure “, said the member of parliament for Isère, himself a medical doctor. According to him, “it is only a way of preventing doctors from france studying in France” and ” we need to move on to something else “. Olivier Veran has called for ” other ways “, such as a different selection or a ” common core of training, depending on whether you’re a doctor, physio, nurse, osteo or dentist “.
A selection “more natural”
In launching the consultation process prior to this reform, which aims to transform the health system, the government had promised in February a discussion without taboo on the numerus clausus “, which determines each year the quota of students admitted in second year of medicine at the end of a competition, very demanding. According to Franceinfo, the executive would have the will to put an end to this contest, proposing in place of the partial classics to have a selection ” more natural “. The government would have ” two options on the table “, or to replace the numerus clausus by a ” numerus apertus “, that is to say, a minimum number of spaces defined at the national level and could vary according to the regions, is to leave the choice to the universities to train as many doctors as they wish.
Read also. Massive blow for the students of medicine
Before the numerus clausus, introduced in 1972, it was 12 000, 13 000 or 14 000 doctors a year, recalled Olivier Véran, compared to just over 8,000 today. For him, if the removal is not ” a solution short term for the medical deserts, it is a solution for the future “. However, “favourable to a revision of the studies of medicine, “which” are no longer relevant to medical practice “, the CSMF, the first union of liberal doctors, said Wednesday, “opposed to deregulation of the total number of trained doctors,” calling in a statement for ” great coordination “. Contacted by Agence France-Presse, the ministry of Health did not wish to comment on.
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