according to the Kremlin, during a telephone conversation Vladimir Putin and Donald trump exchanged information on the measures taken against coronavirus COVID-19 on the territory of Russia and the United States. They also discussed the possibilities of closer cooperation between the two countries in this direction.
Some experts are already making a conservative assumption: the call, and even at the US initiative, not by chance came today, when the world is raging coronavirus. Can common problem named COVID-19 will bring our countries closer together?
– of Course, dialogue is important and necessary, and partly it really is a chance to establish some kind of cooperation, – said the “MK” Director of the Institute of USA and Canada studies Valery Garbuzov. – Of course, the Russian-American relations are now, perhaps, in the lowest stage. And the dialogue itself already represents a certain value. However, do not expect that this dialogue will lead to some decisions and results.
the Expert suggested that while the parties exchanged views, perhaps some information, but nothing more.
– you should Not expect that right will be some decisions, especially on paper, and especially in official documents. Again, while we are talking about bilateral dialogue, – concluded the expert.
in addition to pandemic coronavirus Vladimir Putin and Donald trump exchanged views on the precarious state of the global oil market. As stated by the Kremlin, an agreement was reached on Russian-American consultations with the participation of the energy Ministers of the two powers.