Photos: vk.com/stopcoronavirusrf
In the following airports: Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, and Chkalovsky introduced a special layout, thanks to which passengers will be able to keep your distance. This is stated in the social network “Vkontakte” account site “Stopmanager.Of the Russian Federation”.
“In connection with the return from abroad of a large number of our compatriots to accelerate the process of passing sanitary and quarantine control, but with the requirement of observance of all rules of sanitary security marked with special markers for observance of the distance between people is more than 1 meter”, – stated in the message.
it is Also noted that the procedure for the survey of citizens has accelerated.
Previously, the Muscovites are obliged to keep the distance of 1.5 meters. It is noted that in shops, pharmacies and any other organizations that are located or working people should be treated with a special marking and the mode of admission and stay in the buildings and the adjacent territory.
Sunday, March 29, the mayor imposed restrictions on movement around the city.
From the apartment you can go only in cases of emergency medical aid and other direct threats to life and health, commuting (if obyazatelno). Also to get out of the house it is possible to make purchases from the store or pharmacy. Allowed the walking of Pets at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from the residence.
March 25, Vladimir Putin has declared the period from 30 March to 3 April hours with pay. The decision was taken in connection with the need to prevent the threat of the rapid spread of the coronavirus in the country.
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