Canal+, Monday, October 22, at 21 hours, series With the captivating developed by Eric Rochant around the foreign intelligence service of France (DGSE), the representation of espionage French gained its letters of nobility. The secret agent tri-color is no longer a vile, disingenuous, or ridiculous, but a servant of the State, a professional with intelligence and shadow as the British like to honor. Himself passionate about documentation on the spy, the filmmaker will have imagined, to give flesh and spirit to the staff of the “office of the legends” (BDL), within the DGSE, plots powerfully inspired by the geopolitical and superbly written. By initiating the viewer, in this season 4, the new challenges of the struggle between the great powers : cyber-security, the creation and control of artificial intelligence, in short the war, to shots of computer coding. The all-new responsible for the internal security of the DGSE, nicknamed ” JJA ” is played by Mathieu Amalric
Small reminder of the situation of the Office of the legends, knowing that the narrative resumes where it was stopped at the end of season 3. Wanted by his former service of the DGSE and the CIA, William Debailly, alias “Lout” (Mathieu Kassovitz), continued his run after his betrayal and found refuge in Moscow. Now at the head of the BDL, Marie-Jeanne Duthilleul (Florence Loiret-Caille) intends to recover all costs ; but he must first be accountable to the all-new responsible for the internal security of the DGSE, nicknamed ” JJA “, well decided to do the clean up after ” the worst internal disaster that has ever known the DGSE “. Played by Mathieu Amalric, JJA voice falsely sweet and calm imperial is reminiscent of the chilling character of Gustavo Fring in the american series Breaking Bad.
also Read : The secret of the cult series “The Office of the legends”
Mission in the very high-risk
The team BDL will therefore see its own facts and gestures analyzed, suspected, JJA being on the lookout for “traitors” in the service who would have been able to assist Lout in his desertion.
On the ground, the BDL will embark on a mission with very high risk : introducing an agent underground in central moscow, which, controlled by the federal service for security (FSB), specializes in cyber attacks, and artificial intelligence. An operation in which participate including the agent ” Rocambole “, in other words, the seismologist Marina Loiseau (Sara Giraudeau), that will be strong in its mission and tenuous, even desperate, to face its source – a young man who informs her without her knowledge, but she does not want to spoil life and that she does not want to see end up in jail. In addition to Russia, which imposes itself on the front of the stage this season, the Near East and its jihadis to return to France to commit terrorist attacks will also continue to mobilize the forces of counter-terrorism, the military base in the Turkish Iskenderun to Mosul and Rakka, or Damascus.
Read the portrait in ” M ” : The demons of Mathieu Kassovitz
this Is due to the arrival of the filmmaker Pascale Ferran (Lady Chatterley, Bird People) at the head of the pool of directors in this season 4 ? Notice in any case more than ever the care and attention to detail illuminated scene, and the decline in taken to analyze the geopolitics in this age of cyber-attacks.
The board of legends, season 4, series created by Eric Rochant. With Mathieu Kassovitz, Florence Loiret-Caille, Sara Giraudeau, Jonathan Zaccai (France, 2018, 10 x 52 minutes). mycanal.fr
The launch of season 4 brings with it the release of a book by the historian Bruno Fuligni, who explains the basics of the job in eighteen lessons : “The Office of the legends deciphered” (Ed. The Iconoclast, 2018, 260 p. 22,90 €).