The bar is Seville is just 10 metres from the Plaza de Toros San Marcos de Aguascalientes, a State in central Mexico. From eight in the morning looks crowded. It is a day of bulls, sacred to the hidrocálidos, that already from early to comment on the move. The main topic of conversation is not the novillada but the poster’s special Saturday, two November. The site includes the name of Pablo Aguado, who, at 27 years old, is already considered by almost all the chronicles bullfighting as “the new king of Seville”, one of the cities with the most fans to the bulls of Spain. May 10 was consolidated in the plaza de la Maestranza bullring in the andalusian capital of seville, the most famous of the country with all The Sales, in Madrid. Sharing the stage with Morante and Rock King, the right-hander sevillian cut four ears and walked out the Door of the Prince. A year ago it was almost anonymous, now pisa for the first time to Mexico and what better place to start than at the mecca of bullfighting in mexico.

Since a few days before the run, in the cantinas bullfighting and in the surrounding area of the two squares of the city, of San Marcos, and The Monumental, the subject Aguado prevails over any other in the conversations. The environment seems wrapped in a kind of drunken bullfighter, as some local media define the devotion of the city by this culture. In Aguascalientes it is difficult to stumble upon someone who has not had a link to any level with bullfighting. The two schools taurines of the city are very famous in Mexico because they have contributed to the hobby in order to preserve and that the parking spaces are seen filled with young people. One of them is Juan Manuel Maldonado, 19 years. This aspiring veterinarian was becerrista of small and usually go to the bulls alone and sometimes with his grandfather. Your matador preferred at present is Pablo Aguado. “The most important thing is that parries for him and for the toro. Here the fans are crazy with him. On the 1st of December take the alternative in Mexico City and I’m going to lose,” he explains.


Pablo Aguado dazzles in The Columbian and leaves to shoulders The joy of Paul Aguado, in the infirmary Pablo Aguado: “I have toreado more in my head than in the streets”

Pablo Aguado arrives at the bar Seville together with his crew. Has landed just a few hours in the city. Apparently tired after the long journey, the right-hander seville observes a model of the plaza Monumental of Mexico City and a small figure of the Black Christ, the original is kept in the Temple of the Lord of the Oak, in the neighborhood of Triana, a jewel of the heritage of the city. Aguado ensures that the bullfighting in Mexico is a dream come true. “It was one of my goals, without a doubt, one of the important steps of the entire matador”, declares in an interview with THE COUNTRY in Aguascalientes. In particular, the capital hidrocálida is the city of bullfighting in the country, with one of the hobbies most passionate in all of Mexico. By its squares have passed the best figures of the bullfighting Spanish and mexican. “When one thinks of the four-or five-seater in which more illusion makes him to fight, without a doubt is Aguascalientes”, explains the teacher in seville.

Jesus Delgadillo did not care to wait hours and hours to get a photo with their idol. Delgadillo, a swarthy complexion and long hair, takes all the day taking laps with the car along to a friend. They know that the matador in seville has come to the city and patrol every corner in search of a photo and a signature of the poster that got the famous day in The Maestranza. “I was going with the car when I hit a halt when he saw him. Parked badly and went running to make me a picture with the teacher. That taste great” he says with a smile from ear to ear while showing the poster signed.

Pablo Aguado toreando in Zacatecas last Tuesday. Juanelo Lopedel / Tauronota

Adiel Bolio prowls the surroundings of the Plaza of St. Augustine, opened in 1896 and the headquarters of a school of bullfighting of the city. This chronicler bullfighting 61-year-old was impressed with the last goyesca Diluted in Ronda, where he cut two ears with a performance masterclass from toreo to la veronica. “That way of bullfighting. All the feeling that is reflected in the square. It’s classic, old,” argues Bolio. The chronicler explains the desire that they had in Aguascalientes welcome to the dexter seville after the stellar season the year that he has done in Spain. In addition, she says, the city is usually living the party, especially when they get great figures. “Aguascalientes is the hub, the epicenter of the party. In addition, it is the most professional provides to the mexican school,” he says.

Diluted confesses to be a great follower of bullfighting in Latin america. Before departing with his crew to the Plaza Monumental, where they will perform on Saturday and where he expects the welcome ceremony for the hidrocálidos, remember to toreros mexican marked. Without hesitation and with a smile named Rodolfo Rodriguez “El Pana”, figure of the bullfighter that died in 2016 in Guadalajara. The ‘wizard of Apizaco,’ as he is nicknamed, was, according to many experts in the bullfighting arena one of the ‘last romantics’ of the toreo mexican, that should have been born ‘in another time’. A small simile with Aguado, with his bullfighting classic and leisurely remember to bullfighters of 40 years ago.

The matador in seville is apparently peaceful to not have the pressure regular of The Maestranza, or Sales, where you always expect a lot from him, although the bullfighter is aware that it plays a lot in this new stage. “I come with the satisfaction of the season Spanish made with a certain degree of responsibility to fulfill the expectations here. Although it may seem that we are very far away, taurinamente we are very close so the respect is the same,” ditch the girl.

The event is organized for your arrival is high for everything, only worthy of figures already consecrated in the tournament, discussed their guests. With a living room, improvised in the middle of the Plaza Monumental, attendees of all ages listen attentive to the bullfighter while taking cold meats and wines served by the catering. There are videos of the best moments from the dexter seville in the last season. After about an hour of ceremony, Aguado decides to leave with his crew. “Tomorrow we have tentadero -small square where it is practiced with calves – in Zacatecas, Thursday, and Friday we will be in Juriquilla (Querétaro)”, excuse. The matador is a tough week ahead and decide to go back to your hotel, the Great Mall, usual place of lodging of bullfighters in Aguascalientes.

Felipe Ortega, 30 years old, is the only one left in the square after the end of the gala. Between sips of red wine transmits his love for the matador. “It has come at a time summit to Aguascalientes, the people want to see different things. Aguado fills me, gives me the bullfighting of a chavito who wants to be a figure and what is going to be. Don’t lie, is a bullfighter sincere, with a lot of truth. I’m sure that will be the first of many”.


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