The protests against the judgment of the Supreme Court against the leaders of the procés, that are repeated daily from the 14th of October, we have focused this Wednesday in Barcelona at two points: on a camping trip in college in plaza Universitat, which has resulted in the court of the Gran Via, and in a demonstration called by the CDR in the Jardinets de Gràcia.


The tension of the protests moves to the university to Sabotage trains, a protest of high risk What is the Catalan universities have changed their way of evaluating the protests of the ‘procés’?

Several hundred young people have started on this Wednesday, a camping indefinitely in the plaza Universitat, located opposite the University of Barcelona, the main campus of the Catalan language. In the afternoon there were about 70 shops planted and some 300 young people have taken part in an open assembly. During the concentration, the young people have cut off the Gran Via, passing by plaza Universitat.

The concerted call for the amnesty for the prisoners of the procés, the end of the “repression” on the part of the law-enforcement bodies, but also social measures such as ensuring access to housing, equality between men and women or the fight against climate change, among others. During the assembly, different members of these commissions have stressed that it is a camping trip to “claim” the aspects contemplated by the manifesto, and have advocated for that in no time you see clutter. They have also claimed “not to succumb to provocations” of groups that can appear in the plaza and have turned on a box of resistance which will serve to fund camping.

After the assembly, have begun the meetings of the different committees, and for the morning of Thursday, will provide discussion tables on housing, environmentalism and precarious to build a program of demands and by the afternoon a new assembly.

on the other hand, several hundred people have concentrated this afternoon at Jardinets de Gràcia, in Barcelona, invited by the CDR. Holding a banner with the motto “Castanyada against Spain”, the concentrates have launched a march along the avenida Diagonal, cutting through the traffic to his step. The CDR have announced on Twitter that the goal is to make a parade to the offices of Cs and PP in the city, to “point out games that applaud the repression.”

Garbage in Girona

In Girona have also been turned to repeat the protests. Some 300 people have been concentrated in front of the headquarters of the Generalitat in Girona, and they have thrown bags of garbage to the building to protest the imprisonment of protesters in the last two weeks, reports Marta Rodriguez .


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