Some 2,000 leaders and members of Junts per Catalunya, ERC and the CUP have been added to this Wednesday to the call Assemblea de Càrrecs Electes de Catalunya, in a ceremony which adopted a manifesto of rejection of the judgment of the procés. The president Quim Torra, and the vice-president Pere Aragonès and several councillors attended the conclave, but did not intervene. The organ was conceived in 2017 to replace the Catalan institutions after the 1-Or and the possible involvement of self-government but did not come to collect. Some 300 attendees to the event cut off after the Diagonal avenue.


The pro-independence attempts to agree a resolution against the sentence of ‘procés’ Junts per Catalunya tries to prevent the management of Buch damage to his campaign from the 10-N

the intention of The pro-independence is to use this assembly of private character to give the green light to positions that may not approve institutions such as the Parliament or the Government by the restrictions of the Constitutional Court. Before a packed audience, the former president Carles Puigdemont greeted the assembly which he held through the so-called Council of the Republic. “This body is the emancipation of a servile obedience to the State. Is the republican response to the repression,” he said, noting that this should be the start of a “recognition of the Catalan republic” via a giant screen, and in the middle of a thunderous ovation.

The massive meeting brought together council members and representatives from the three forces, independence supporters, who showed their willingness to work together overcoming the fracture that drag for a long time. The reality is that the division of the parties-independence is so profound that not even have been able to pass jointly a resolution in the Parliament on the statement. In the forum, therefore, is crossed from statements of Catalan character wills to complaints from members of the CUP to the forces of the Government. Attendees paid 10 euros for entry in the assembly that is autofinanciará.

The forum condemns the sentence and wants to work for amnesty and the right to self-determination

Miquel Pueyo, mayor of Lleida, ERC, led, initially, the conclave that was organized by a group motor including Elsa Artadi, city councilor of Barcelona; the mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenas or Dolors Sabater, councillor and exalcaldesa of Badalona. With some card stock, green exhibited a show of hands, the attendees unanimously approved the constitution of the assembly, the appointment of a promoter group and the political positioning of the body. It was a document minimal: rejection of the sentence; amnesty for prisoners and the return of the “exiles”; the popular mobilization; the dialogue with the State without renouncing to international mediation and to work for self-determination.

a Good part of the assistants cried out in favor of the resignation of Miquel Buch

The Assemblea de Càrrecs Electes was conceived from the world municipalist before the conclusion of the consultation unlawful from 1 October to supply to the Catalan institutions if the State is nullified in application of article 155. Finally, the forum did not meet never and was Carles Puigdemont, who raised the call this second anniversary of the 1 October. The CUP already met two weeks ago to about 700 charges and adopted a text called Declaration of Sants focused on the same sense.

Forcadell re-mark the distance

The former chairperson of the Parliament Carme Forcadell, sentenced to 11 years in prison, participated in a charter in the act of the elected pro-independence. His message, however, was quite different with respect to the other charges and exaltos charges that also took the floor. Forcadell called on the assembled “three things”. As it did last week, also called for the independence movement, “not to depart never from the path of non-violence, which is the most effective and which best responds to our convictions.” He also called for exercising “empathy” with those who are far from their positions. “Understand your reasons it will be necessary to reach a solution,” he said. And he asked that “persist” in defense of democracy and against injustice.

In the turn of interventions, several members of the CUP claimed responsibility for the civil disobedience and institutional from the stage and denounced the “police violence”. The forum cried, “Away with the occupation forces”. Several councillors recriminaron the performance of the autonomous triggering cries of ” Buch resignation!, in allusion to the Inner advisor. “There are 43 political prisoners and people are leaving the skin,” cried Laia Estrada, mayor of the CUP of Tarragona. A deputy for the ERC, Ferran Civit, showed their desire to live in a country where there is no mobile Brigade (Brimo) of the mossos. A mayor of Viladrau (Girona) explained that he was born in 1991 and that his was a generation that was promised “everything”, and that it has not received “anything”. “I was in the demonstration on Friday 18 October in the afternoon. Had not infiltrated. We were your children. An ordinary person like me, and that this event served as an excuse to the mossos, so that on Saturday I look at the backpack,” he lamented.

At the end of the act about 200 attendees to the assembly, which included the deputy of ERC Joan Josep Nuet and the former mp of the CUP Albert Botran as well as members of the two formations, have left the building, have cut off the traffic of the avenida Diagonal in Barcelona and have been directed to walk to plaza Universitat, where groups of students are camped in protest at the judgment of the procés.


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