Good news for fans of comedian Carolin Kebekus. After a long break, the comedian Karolin Kebekus returns to TV. “Die Carolin Kebekus Show” is scheduled to go on air on ARD in four weeks. The format is intended to provide a little distraction in everyday corona life.
WDR dropped the bomb on Friday afternoon. In just a few weeks Carolin Kebekus (39) will return to the ARD program with her own show. According to the WDR, the first episode of "The Carolin Kebekus Show" is to be broadcast in May. Guests should also be invited to the personality show, where Kebekus will surely use her pointed tongue and her fine sense of humor. Kebekus is optimistic and is already announcing: "It will be the best show ever – by far!"
With Carolin Kebekus, a polemical personality returns to the screen who rarely takes a leaf out of her mouth. Her satire on the Catholic Church remains unforgettable a few years ago. WDR director Tom Buhrow hopes for "intelligent entertainment with heart and attitude". "We want to bring a bit of light-heartedness home to our audience and thus provide some distraction in the stressful everyday life of a corona," Burow explains the concept of the show, which will be broadcast on the ARD weekly on May 21st at 11:30 p.m. So far 8 shows and a best-of are planned. Carolin Kebekus is a big star in the comedy industry and has won the German Comedy Award several times.